View Full Version : Communication Failure

23rd Mar 2009, 20:19
It might be a stupid question, and I know I should have known the answer, but I got confused after a chat with another pilot:).
So here it goes:

If my filled flight plan includes the arrival route (let's say NORKU2A to EHAM), and assuming complete comm-failure during cruise, should I commence my descend to keep the altitude restrictions of the STAR (e.g. Norku 280B) - even though I wasn't cleared for NORKU2A, or should I proceed to the primary navaid (SPL) through NORKU and ARTIP and start the descent in the holding pattern.


24th Mar 2009, 11:08
In the airspace I control the RCF procedure is: "Squawk 7600. Continue on STAR and start approach without delay."

But this is different in almost all airspace so I surfed my way in to the Netherlands AIP
AIP for NETHERLANDS (section AD-2.EHAM) valid from 12 MAR 09 (http://www.ais-netherlands.nl/aim/090129-090312/eAIP/html/eAIP/EH-AD-2.EHAM-en-GB.html#ssid-1109062786683)

Hope this answers your Q

25th Mar 2009, 23:02
That has cleared up the confusion. :ok:
(In case of EHAM, the last assigned level should be kept until the fix (i.e ARTIP), and descend to Fl70 in the holding.

Doesn't this complicate things for the controllers? I mean, blocking the holdning area from Fl410 to Fl70 over ARTIP might be a nightmare during busy periods.:confused:
(In case of London, the STAR's descent profile should be kept, or the aircraft should arrive at the minimum published level over the fix)
Anyway, Thanks

25th Mar 2009, 23:05
If its a complete communication failure its probably best just to follow the fighter escort :E