View Full Version : UAE - jobs and sponsorship??

23rd Mar 2009, 15:59
Anybody who has some info about working in UAE as a FO and if there is any airline who´s hiring?? Heard that they usually want you to sign for 3-5 yrs... What kind of monthly pay is common as a FO? Experiance and so on... List of UAE airlines..
Would be very thankful for replies!!

24th Mar 2009, 05:50
Your headline is sponsorship.

The rest of your question relates to company specific jobs, I am not able to answer that.

If the company is hiring you, then they automatically sponsor you, but the documentation takes time.

You can then sponsor family, (within either company limits or MOL limits).

As your initial base licence has to be VERIFIED by the GCAA and approved, for the basic issue of a tempory licence, then a full licence, it can take two or three months for the process to be complete. If your company is big, and has a competent HR and training department it is boring and painless. You will however get to see just how the lower levels of expats are treated as a special bonus.

Your woork visa and your licence is beholden on your sponsor, so change company then all can go back to zero, or even -6 mths from zero.

good luck, and welcome.


sec 3
24th Mar 2009, 07:04
Man if you can't get a list of UAE airlines by yourself, you don't deserve to fly for any airline:confused: