View Full Version : Murdered Soldiers Treated Like Frieght.

23rd Mar 2009, 02:45
The bodies of the soldiers Murdered in Northern Ireland were flown home without ceremony. This has angered members of HM Forces: "British troops have spoken of their anger following the disclosure that the bodies of the two soldiers murdered by dissident republicans were shipped back to the UK as freight."

Please sign here:
Petition to: Change the rules regarding Ramp Ceremonies for HM Forces Personnel killed by an act of terror, while in the Service of Her Majesty the Queen. | Number10.gov.uk (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/Soldiers-on-Duty/#detail)

23rd Mar 2009, 15:21
We do it a bit differently in the colonies: A Soldier's Story: "Taking Chance" - CBS News (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/12/sunday/main2677251.shtml)

Willard Whyte
23rd Mar 2009, 15:41
Very moving OFBSLF. Thank you for the link.

23rd Mar 2009, 15:42
Done......makes me mad this type of political bullcrap

23rd Mar 2009, 20:44
Done, But It's shocking that this even happend.:confused:

23rd Mar 2009, 21:39
The bodies of the soldiers Murdered in Northern Ireland were flown home without ceremony. This has angered members of HM Forces: "British troops have spoken of their anger following the disclosure that the bodies of the two soldiers murdered by dissident republicans were shipped back to the UK as freight."

Emotive though this obviously is, if they came back on a civil airline, then that's how bodies are treated, they go on the cargo manifest.

This story relates they did have a service at barracks, Following the service, the soldiers' remains were formally handed over to family representatives.
BBC NEWS | Northern Ireland | Military tribute to dead soldiers (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/7940085.stm)
Presumably the representatives had made arrangements with the families permission to repatriate them.

I note the petition does not mention the families concerned, I do hope that with this petition they are not stepping on their toes at this highly emotive time.

For the record I have no problem with them having a cermony during embarkation or disembarkation if thats what the families want.

Pontius Navigator
23rd Mar 2009, 21:40
Ticking along steadily, 164 since this morning, 400 now.

23rd Mar 2009, 21:40
Signed - and Facebook group created to puclicise this outrageous treatment to a wider audience...

Topsy Turvey
23rd Mar 2009, 22:28
Done......makes me mad this type of political bullcrap

Wrong target. IIRC the type of repatriation & degree of ceremony is approved by CGS /CDS not the politicians. Not saying it is the right thing to do, but most repatriations from outside Op Theatres (Germany / Cyprus / Falklands) are by civil airlines so no ceremony

Pontius Navigator
23rd Mar 2009, 22:53
most repatriations from outside Op Theatres (Germany / Cyprus / Falklands) are by civil airlines so no ceremony

That is not relevant.

Protocol demands that you should acknowledge, with respect, any funeral cortege. My Col always salutes the hearse whethr he is standing or being driven and that is for any coffin.

You could argue that moving a coffin where mourners are not present does not require this but that is nonsense. The dead of any creed demand respect at all times.

23rd Mar 2009, 23:58
Emotive though this obviously is, if they came back on a civil airline, then that's how bodies are treated, they go on the cargo manifest.
Yes, but the point is, why weren't they flown back by the RAF, and given the same treatment as those from Afghanistan/Iraq?

24th Mar 2009, 02:32
Note that in the story linked by OFBSLF "Taking Chance", the US moves such remains by civil airline once they are within the US.

Yes, they DO have a uniformed escort, who renders honors each time the remains are loaded/unloaded, but civil carriers none-the-less.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, right?
Still within the home country, right MightyGem?

Clockwork Mouse
24th Mar 2009, 08:05
While I sympathise with the underlying sentiments behind this petition, I will not be signing it.
I agree with Jumpseater. These young men were not treated disrespectfully. This was not the same as repatriation from Afghanistan or Iraq. It was internal movement within the UK and that is how it is done. I would not have a problem with it if, God forbid, it were my own son.
Pick your fights carefully or they will all be ignored.
May they rest in peace.

24th Mar 2009, 11:20
Yes, but the point is, why weren't they flown back by the RAF, and given the same treatment as those from Afghanistan/Iraq?

We don't know, it could be the families requested not to be.

Yes, they DO have a uniformed escort, who renders honors each time the remains are loaded/unloaded, but civil carriers none-the-less.
However on this occasion it appears from the BBC report the handover was done at barracks, to family representatives before departure.

The key missing information is what the families wanted/requested.

Any repatreations I've witnessed from civil aircraft, (to my knowledge they have always been civilian casualties from RTA's etc), the loaders have always treated the coffins with the greatest dignity and respect. I am somewhat cautious of this petition as the petition originator has not made any comment re contacting family or representatives thereof, to assertain their feelings on this, which I find surprising.