View Full Version : MUAC Level Constraints

20th Mar 2009, 06:29
Dear All,

I'm looking after an up-to-date level constraints tables for Maastricht UAC core airspace.

Something like data you may found here (pages 10 to 13):

Private message replies are of course welcome...

Thanks for all,


Lon More
20th Mar 2009, 18:29
Can't really see what you're looking for. Sector Threshhold Values perhaps?
By your user name I'd guess you work at MUACC, so try asking in the Belle Étage or CFMU

20th Mar 2009, 18:50
I'm not working at MUACC, because in this case, I'm not searching those type of data.

I'm trying to found LOA and other level's restrictions, i.e.:
tfc to EHAM - NORKU FL280
tfc to EBBR avoid LNO sector
tfc fm EDDH avoid HANNOVER sector

... but for the whole MUACC aerea...

The goal is air traffic simulation.

Thanks again,


23rd Mar 2009, 07:51
Help... Somebody ?...

23rd Mar 2009, 22:12
Why do you need that?

24th Mar 2009, 05:50
Hello Jagohu,

Thanks for your reply.

I have need that, because I'm working on an air traffic control simulator.

Whitout those levels restrictions, some flights paths are coming through other flows and some parts of sectors has a bit strange configuration.

Of course, I have already some data (radio listening through the web, some are available in the Netherland AIP), but it is difficult to fix all by this way.



4th Apr 2009, 05:26
Help... Somebody ?... (bis...)

8th Apr 2009, 14:27
Too complex to write here. I suggest you contact MUAC PR office, explain your reasons and see if they can help.

8th Apr 2009, 18:30
Dear Avman,

Thanks to have token the time to reply.

I'm not sure PR may a lot for me... Too technical... But I'll try it!...

In fact, with those airports :
... we have more than 95% of MUAC's traffic concerned by climb/descent profile... ("only" 37 airports with a lot with only one or two entries/exits i.e.LFPG EGLL EDDF).

So another way is to found 1 ATCO by sectors group... and ask him a short explanation on what done each sector... By P.M. of course ! ! !...

At your good heart ! ! !...

And many thanks in advance...


8th Apr 2009, 21:52
I still think that an initial contact with PR, explaining your objectives, and requesting a visit to the ops room might be your best approach. I presume that you are a French speaker. We have quite a few French speakers on the sectors and I think that would be a much easier process for you. Call +31 43 3661234 and ask to speak to the Public Relations Officer.

9th Apr 2009, 15:44
Hello Avman,

Thank for all those info !... May be if my "cooperative system" dont work...

In a previous message, I wrote :

So another way is to found 1 ATCO by sectors group... and ask him a short explanation on what done each sector... By P.M. of course ! ! !...

At your good heart ! ! !...

That's a good system... :ok: Only one reply for the time being, but a very good (great) help...

And we are not going to disturb PR and HQ of Eurocontrol for so small thing... they have so much to do... ;)

Best Regards,


9th Apr 2009, 19:52
I'm pretty sure that it ain't gonna work like that... This info is pretty much "internal use only", so unless you have the green light from the PR office, I wouldn't expect too many people coming up with the answers for your questions.
Go through the official channels and hope for the best, that's all I can suggest you.
Good luck and happy easter!

Lon More
9th Apr 2009, 20:27
As stated, internal use only. Agreements with adjacent units and as such really needs their agreement before going out of house.

I can't remember if the en-route packs contain "Expect to cross XYZ at, or below, FL nnn.

Alternative is try to arrange a visit. You could probably get the info that way

10th Apr 2009, 04:35
I really not understand why LOAs are so "protected data" as you may found those data in Netherlands AIP (like NORKU @ FL280) or elsewhere (i.e. in RAD)... and in data used by virtual controllers (IVAO, VATSIM... with a good level of realism !)... and on Eurocontrol site in some simulation report (sometime a bit old...)

But a mix of those sources made not the full (and sure) "package".

Well... I'll continue to think some ATCOs open their heart at my request :cool:

And if it is not sufficiently the case, I'll try via PR...

I recall those data are requested for my private use only !!!

And I wish good Easter for all of you ;)

"Eggs 001, descent to be in my garden at FL 0" :)


ATC Watcher
10th Apr 2009, 21:55
I recall those data are requested for my private use only !!!

This is internet and an open site, and anyone can pretend to be whoever he chooses to obtain internal information for whatever reason.
Contrary to what you said LOAs are not parts of AIPs and are not for public domain. they are cooperation agreements between ATS units and for internal use.

I support the suggestions by Lone More and Avman to contact the PR people at Maastricht and identify yourself to them first.

Lon More
11th Apr 2009, 22:20
FWIW The info is available in the Jepps.

Papa D, c'est Lon. pas Lone,je suis pas seul plus