View Full Version : Korean contract pilots

19th Mar 2009, 19:32
Any Korean contract pilots who live in New Zealand? Just wondering what fleet you are on and how the commuting works out? When you are back at work do you always start at Korea or does it vary where they position you to?

23rd Mar 2009, 02:08
I am on the A330 and the commuting works very well. During New Zealand's summer it is a daily flight from Seoul ICN but in the winter it drops to 5 days per week. It also departs AKL at 0910 after the clocks go back which makes it awkward if you have to commute into AKL by air.
KAL give us 3 travel days per month - ICN-AKL is 2 travel days (over night) and AKL-ICN 1 travel day. These are in addition to the 9 days off and 2 leave days per month. I have always been given the days off I asked for, sometimes months in advance.
I arrive back in Seoul in the evening and my first duty is usually the next evening from Seoul.
It is a good commuting contract. :ok:

Donkey Duke
24th Mar 2009, 23:45
Where do you usually fly to on the A330? Are there any trips back to New Zealand? What were you flying prior to KAL? Thanks. DD

25th Mar 2009, 12:28
Thanks wasps2. :ok:....One final thing the monthly 'korean taxed' pay, as New Zealand has a dual tax agreement do you have to pay anymore to New Zealand ?

25th Mar 2009, 13:27
Here comes the millioon dollar question. What is package like?
Many thanks for you patience


26th Mar 2009, 04:59
I don't pay New Zealand tax as I am not resident there (yet), so can't help you on that one shollis747.
The A330 doesn't operate to NZ, it's a 744 in the summer and a 777 in the winter. The 330 goes to: PRG, MUC, BOM, DPS, HAN, CGK, GUM, ULM, LED, MEL, SYD, BNE plus one or two places in China and Japan. Most flights involve a stop over, sometimes for a few days if the flight only operates 3-4 days per week. I was flying back in the UK prior to this on the 330 and 320.
Payscale - the package is pretty good. Once through all the training and the operating experiance (OE) flights, which I believe to be unique in this business, which are prior to the check ride, the job is very good. It is a properly run airline with its own loaders, refuellers, ground staff and engineers so everything runs like clockwork. We also get dispatched for every flight and there are seldom any defects on the aircraft.
I am quite happy working for them and there many long timers, some over 15 years, so that must say something. Feel free to ask for any more information you may need.

26th Mar 2009, 23:37
thanks for the useful information;

in addition on the A330, how much exactly is your pay as an FO?; I assume you get paid in USD into an offshore account.

also, what are the prospects of getting a command upgrade with KAL, having joined as an FO?


27th Mar 2009, 00:11
g109 I don't know what a F/O salary is probably around the 6-7000 USD region paid into any bank account.
Prospects for command are zero I believe.

Donkey Duke
30th Mar 2009, 21:07

Do you prefer the Australia stuff or going back towards Europe to PRG and MUC? Do you get a good mix in layovers? Is it interesting? Cheers!

31st Mar 2009, 10:59
Donkey Duke, we get a good mix of flights on the 330, some say the best in the company. There is more jet lag going to Europe of course than to Australia but it's good to go to both - where the summer is! There is a good mix of flights which does make it interesting.

Flying Mechanic
31st Mar 2009, 11:17
from the day you join Korean until check to line, how long does it usually take?During that time you are on training pay and allowances?

31st Mar 2009, 15:55
Hi guys , thinking of applying for the B737NG contract as a f/o . Can anyone tell me what the money is like for this position ??? thanks

1st Apr 2009, 06:24
Check the CCL Aviation site everything is on it....Cambridge Communications Limited (http://www.cclaviation.com/)

1st Apr 2009, 11:01
thanks for that

1st Apr 2009, 11:10
sorry , one other thing , i heard the training is hard due to being an expat and that the local captains give u a hard time , any truth to this or would this just be from someone who has an issue with KAL ?? Did my 737ng training with Easyjet so hoping not to have many problems , thks