View Full Version : ATC & record

12th Mar 2009, 23:15
About 5 years ago I was fined €100 euro for possession of about €20 euro of cannabis at a concert. I was 21 at the time. It's the only item on my record. Will this preclude me from being hired as an ATC ever? I know the Garda Vetting Form is part of the recruitment process.

I appreciate the issues involved . I'm talking particularly about the IAA in Dublin.

12th Mar 2009, 23:21
I hate to sound glum about it, but any sort of a criminal record is almost certainly guaranteed to disqualify.

Best people to ask however will be the IAA themselves. I certainly wouldn't try to hide it though, because it will be found out, and that will only look worse! Best of luck :ok:

13th Mar 2009, 00:27
I'm sure they'll just give a noncommital answer. They'll say "apply anyway and see etc"...

Before I go down the road of Vatsim and studying I'd like to know though so I'll see what they say.

13th Mar 2009, 15:59
I might want to stay away from VATSIM etc. as it will most likely lead to bad habits that can be hard to change.

Instead, I'd advise some background reading and understanding about how ATC ops, think about recognising different a/c. Try not to do anything too practical, as it'll likely be all radar-based, without the crucial flight progress strips. Listening to ATC can help with basic phraseology.

13th Mar 2009, 16:07
Unless its American ATC.....

15th Mar 2009, 07:30
No it won't. Some people have worse convictions but still got a job

Honesty is the best policy when you apply

15th Mar 2009, 08:22
Hopefully your conviction won't be an absolute bar to your application being considered. I don't know about the UK or the IAA but I am familiar with other "western" jurisdictions where your misadventure would not stop you from being hired.

I would suggest (tongue firmly planted cheekwise of course) that you might also try applying for ATC in British Columbia or California . . .

Good luck to you!

15th Mar 2009, 11:21
When I went through the NATS application system, any criminal convications were only relevant to your security clearance, not to the main part of the application that HR considers on application. Indeed the criminal record part was detached from the main part of the form and submitted in a sealed envelope supposedly for the security vetters' eyes only.

I have heard that the main issue for vetters is that you own up to any convictions as they frequently check up. As far as they are concerned a person who is hiding major secrets from their employer is a person is more easily blackmailed by an outside party, which is more of a security risk than employing a person with a minor criminal record who is prepared to 'fess up.

(I have a minor spent caution from ages ago blotting my otherwise clean copy book and they let me in; plus this was a while ago back in the days of paper application forms!)

15th Mar 2009, 15:11
As many have said here, You will only have a problem if you do not declare it.

15th Mar 2009, 18:44
Have a look at this

Rehabilitation (UK law) (http://www.lawontheweb.co.uk/rehabact.htm)

Basicly after 5 years such a conviction is "spent" and you don't have to declare it.

Having said that, be aware that it will remain on the police computer and will probably show up in any search done for security / ID pass

T'Bug :ok:

(I have my own "spent" conviction :cool:)

15th Mar 2009, 19:32

sorry old boy, you are wrong, ALL convictions, spent or not, have to be declared on the form
As you rightly say, the result of the CRC will return spent convictions and if you haven't declared them when asked to do so, the employer will rightly wonder what else you have to hide.


Despite the above, I wouldn't worry, declare whatever you are required to and be open and honest if asked.
Do the right thing but bear in mind is that a blood test may be required for the medical - this will definately show up any recent daliences with anything naughty.

15th Mar 2009, 21:28
If it is spent you DON'T have to declare it on the application form for the job but you DO have to declare it on the security clearance forms , which in theory can't be taken into account for whether or not to offer you the job. The security clearance is a separate issue but as others (including myself) have previously stated it shouldn't present a problem.

(I speak from personal experience on this)