View Full Version : Any Twr/Adi Jobs out there?

11th Mar 2009, 13:13

Does anyone know of any current or future vacancies for a Tower ATCO ideally with approach / radar training potential.

Please feel free to PM me.



11th Mar 2009, 14:29
I reckon most of the NATS regional airports would be happy to look at applications from external canditates.

11th Mar 2009, 17:57
In my opinion, NATS and Regional Airports are two different organisations entirely. One tends to use the term 'Regional Airports' to classify the non-NATS ATC units.

I think NATS would send their own trainees to their own units first, rather than seeking employees from outside of their business.

Scott Diamond
11th Mar 2009, 19:18
Suggest you get out there! Liverpool and dare I say Prestwick (if they are not cutting ATSO's..) seem to be pretty reasonable non-NATS airports.

11th Mar 2009, 19:49
I think NATS would send their own trainees to their own units first, rather than seeking employees from outside of their business.

I think you have very optimistic view of how NATS employ their own trainees :)

Re : jobs, not sure about what is going right now, but in very recent times, there have been positions advertised for Highlands & Islands, Gloucester, Lydd, Scilly, Newcastle, Durham Tees Valley, East Midlands to name but a few!!!

eastern wiseguy
11th Mar 2009, 19:51
I reckon most of the NATS regional airports would be happy to look at applications from external canditates.

No they wouldn't. The percieved wisdom is to recruit from inside .....and then if there are no takers ....outside. Ask my old mucker Tower Ranger(who got the better deal:ok:)

11th Mar 2009, 20:00
I think you have very optimistic view of how NATS employ their own trainees http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/smile.gifSo what's the most common progression for a NATS trainee on successfully completing the course at the college to being posted to a unit these days then? Are you implying that a privately trained ATCO candidate has as much chance of bagging a Trainee ATCO position at a NATS unit as an actual NATS college trainee?!:confused:

11th Mar 2009, 20:10
So what's the most common progression for a NATS trainee on successfully completing the course at the college to being posted to a unit these days then? Are you implying that a privately trained ATCO candidate has as much chance of bagging a Trainee ATCO position at a NATS unit as an actual NATS college trainee?!

oh no, I wasn't implying that, it's just that maybe unit X is short staffed and recruiting externally, while trainee A is from X and is posted to Y.
Two weeks later, trainee B, who is from Y, gets posted to unit X.... :)

Nats unit only recruit experienced ATCOs from outside, not trainees (unless you are a VIP trainee, of course !)

11th Mar 2009, 20:21
Roger, that's now clearer thanks. I certainly wasn't aware of NATS units taking on trainees other than their own students out of Hurn. I know they have advertised for external experienced validated ATCO's to join NATS in the past, but that remains the only exception to a successful NATS college student.

If you are a raw trainee from one of the privately funded ATC colleges in the UK then it is definitely NOT going to be a NATS unit you will be heading for your training afterwards!!:ok:

11th Mar 2009, 20:54
oh no, I wasn't implying that, it's just that maybe unit X is short staffed and recruiting externally, while trainee A is from X and is posted to Y.
Two weeks later, trainee B, who is from Y, gets posted to unit X....

Thinking of anybody in particular in that example Mr Novello? :ok:

Foxy Loxy
12th Mar 2009, 00:19
I think my old job at RAF Wyton might still be up for grabs ;)