View Full Version : Yangtze River Express, interview gouge.

10th Mar 2009, 22:26
Has anyone recently interviewed with Yangtze River Express? If so, can you please post any info you might have about the process. I have heard that there are a few written tests, and a pretty lengthy medical.

24th Mar 2009, 21:57
I also am curious about interview gouge with YRE.

In addition, since I don't have any connections there, I would be curious about some other input. I have just been offered a B737NG Captain position with another Asian carrier, and am screening with YRE in April for a First Officer position on the B747-400. I would prefer to fly the -400, with the opportunity to upgrade at some point than the 737, even though the pay is less initially, however, I have heard that the Chinese companies are somewhat unpredictable, that contracts with them tend to be more fluid (i.e. they like to change things all the time), and we all know cargo has taken a beating recently. I would hate to pass up a more stable job that pays more just to end up dumped on the street or stuck in the right seat indefinitely if they were to continue hiring direct entry capts.

I'm not looking for advice, just information. Any input on this, or scoop on what is going on at YRE would be much appreciated! Thanks!

free at last
24th Mar 2009, 22:31
Make sure your Chinese employer pays your taxes, up to 45%. !!!! Good Luck. :)

2nd Jul 2009, 08:37
To whom it may concern:

Parc Aviation, Rishworth, Pegasus, and Direct Personnel recruit for YRE. I do not recommend any other fly-by-night "mickey mouse" agency such as Zhanyun Talents. :=