View Full Version : Ryanair Check In rules

9th Mar 2009, 17:50
Now that Ryanair have brought in this charge for check in and it is possible to get boarding cards from the travel agent and proceed straight to departures, how can bags be weighed before boarding which would be important for calculating fuel intake and flap setting etc?

The weight of bags in the cabin must be just as important as the bags in the hold.



9th Mar 2009, 22:24
They presumably do what most airlines have done for years - they use "assumed weights" for passengers and their baggage, i.e. they assume each passenger and his/her handbaggage weighs a certain amount and use that figure for loading and performance purposes.

BTW the boarding cards don't come from Travel Agents - you can print them out yourself, at home via your PC.

9th Mar 2009, 22:30
Now that Ryanair have brought in this charge for check in and it is possible to get boarding cards from the travel agent and proceed straight to departures, how can bags be weighed before boarding which would be important for calculating fuel intake and flap setting etc?

Being a "pendant"...what happens IF you don't have access to a PC?
This IS a serious question....

Ten West
9th Mar 2009, 22:53
You fly with a proper airline instead. ;)

10th Mar 2009, 09:59
Thanks for all your replies. I suppose if you dont have a PC there is always the library which will print stuff out for a fee, although my travel agent does issue boarding cards, rahter his paper than mine :ok: