View Full Version : orbit or not to orbit ?

Cash Machine
9th Mar 2009, 04:31
what are/is the rule-s of orbit to be implemented by aircraft or to be given by an air traffic controller ?

Chilli Monster
10th Mar 2009, 06:59
No "rules" as such. If I want you to orbit for spacing then I'll tell you to orbit along with the direction I want you to orbit in. That's up to me however, not up to the pilot to initiate it. Don't do it unless instructed.

You should never orbit at an A/G or FISO airfield, as it's contrary to the Rules of the Air - fly the circuit and if you can't get in you go around.

Jumbo Driver
10th Mar 2009, 08:50
You should never orbit at an A/G or FISO airfield, as it's contrary to the Rules of the Air - fly the circuit and if you can't get in you go around.

I would agree that it is generally not good practice to orbit in the circuit, CM, and that what you say makes therefore very good sense. However, where would you suggest that it actually prohibits orbits in the RoA?

Rule 12 is relevant to the traffic pattern ... but I don't think that is normally read as specifically prohibiting orbits ...


Chilli Monster
10th Mar 2009, 09:06
I would disagree about the interpretation of Rule 12. Once you do an orbit in the circuit you are not conforming to the traffic pattern, therefore you are not complying with Rule 12 (1).

But this has been argued before on many occasions.

Jumbo Driver
10th Mar 2009, 10:07
We'll agree to differ, then ...
