View Full Version : Travel Service?

Airline Pirate
4th Mar 2009, 14:33
According to PPJN...they don't exist...:}

All kidding aside, I haven't been able to find any info whatsoever in regards to salary, schedule, average flight hours ect....

Anyone here in the know?

Even better, any current Travel Service flight crew care to share there experiences in working for this operator?

Fleet of 10x 735-738's
apparently a 763 as well...

On the order block for a shiney new 787 to boot.

No other real info besides the fact that they are a charter operation out of Prague, CZ

thanks in advance,


4th Mar 2009, 15:26
The pay is low, there is effectively no roster and they prefer czech speakers.


12th Mar 2009, 04:02
expect to fly A LOT more than 1000 hours a year.

12th Mar 2009, 08:50
If you can work for them through a decent agency, they are a good airline to work for. More than 1000 hrs a year? No, they have to stay within the regs like anybody else. Rosters are made and changed on an almost daily basis to suit their charter business, but hey, what do you expect? If you cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. A big variety of worldwide destinations, Yes on the B738!
I enjoyed my (limited) time with them. Most people will use it as a stepping stone anyway. Career? Flying charters is not a career if you are a family man.

Airline Pirate
30th Mar 2009, 14:43
Czech language not an issue for me...

Anyone have some ballparks for starting salary, flight pay ect...?