View Full Version : So easy, I hope not!

1st Mar 2009, 16:19
Whilst in the long Q at the Holding point, get a vulnerable feeling as it would be so easy for a truck driven by a 77 virgin hungry cractkpot to crash through a side gate and pick one of the many fully fuelled and packed aircraft to ram and dispatch to oblivion. I hope ATC and security have got a plan in place. If yes, good. Its reasuring. If not, Whoops, here's another hole to plug. :ooh:

eastern wiseguy
1st Mar 2009, 16:22
Not ATC's problem......speak to the airport operator/owner:hmm:

1st Mar 2009, 16:52
Fatfish, do you really feel the need to publicly seed ideas like that in the minds of the "crackpots" you cite? Go to those who are responsible directly if you have concerns rather than air them on fairly popular website, please!:ugh:

1st Mar 2009, 17:12
Giving ideas? This is a no brainer. But lots of gray matter and effort needed to prevent. :rolleyes:

1st Mar 2009, 17:19
Fatfish.... I'm not up to speed on current banter - "no brainer"?

However, I do wholeheartedly agree that this is not the place for such discussions.

west lakes
1st Mar 2009, 17:33
Sorry to intrude but I couldn't resist. The comments towards the end are priceless
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The Real Slim Shady
1st Mar 2009, 18:30
Fatfish, do you really feel the need to publicly seed ideas like that in the minds of the "crackpots" you cite? Go to those who are responsible directly if you have concerns rather than air them on fairly popular website, please!

However, I do wholeheartedly agree that this is not the place for such discussions.

And people who can orchestrate co-ordinated attacks on NYC, the Forces in theatre and encourager les autres to attack soft targets in the UK, Spain and India would not have spent an inordinate amount of time considering, and attacking, the softest targets already??