View Full Version : Info about TNT Long haul fleet?

28th Feb 2009, 09:17
Dear All,

Do any of you have any information about the long haul fleet at TNT, based in Liege? Anyone flying there? I'd like to know how long are they away from home when flying, where do they have night stops, how long do they stay there, how is the atmosphear in the cockpit and in outstation with the captain etc etc???

Thank you,


28th Feb 2009, 20:51
Nobody flying over there?? Thanks!

1st Mar 2009, 09:12
You only gave them 11hrs to reply.:=
I think perhaps you have to wait a bit longer because they are maybe flying too much to be on here :}

3rd Mar 2009, 08:00
I have heard that they arent hiring any, at least not captains because they are to cancel their A300`s and bring the pilots from that on the B747. But besides from that I think it is an ok job, dont know the scheduele, but I would imagine that they fly their a...out, like anyone else. Liege is a "nice" town. best to understand french though. and to like beers :ok: the TNT folks are nice folks..and pay is also ok..so IF they hired I would take it..

3rd Mar 2009, 11:44
Dear Pressman,

You're right, the taxes in Belgium are very high, but you have to realise that Belgium has one of the best social security system in the world...for the moment. Anyway, I'm Belgian, french speaking, flying in a Belgian company, so I'm already in that tax system. The issue of paying so much taxes is not a problem for me, as it's already the case for the moment!
