View Full Version : Credit Cards

26th Feb 2009, 22:30
I have been working for a small german executive company.
The Company had to close in December due to financial problems.

All Pilots had company credit cards to pay for Landing fees, handling and so on.
Now Amex, Visa and Master Card are claiming money from us pilots, because the company insīt able to pay.

In one case itīs about 25000 euro, because an AOG had to be payed by the captain useing his company card.

It seems to be legal, at least in germany.

So everybody check their credit card contract before signing it.


27th Feb 2009, 08:51
One outfit I worked for tried to issue us "company" credit cards which were, legally, personal ones.

Read the small print.

27th Feb 2009, 11:56
Yes this cost me Ģ50,000 a few years ago and took more than 10 years to pay.
Amex were the worst to deal with.

Now I never take a company credit card, Never.

27th Feb 2009, 13:07
Good advice icemanalgeria. Company I worked for pre-retirement was taken over by Arab interests, who wanted us to take "Company" Amex cards. In the UK we refused en-masse because of personal liability and our new masters eventually backed off. We found out that they had been so keen on it because Amex were giving them back a cut of Amex's % fee to the vendor, which other methods of payment would not.

27th Feb 2009, 22:49
worked for airline in Kazakhstan... company mastercard
left due to differences
they refused to pay balance on card (hotel and per diems I were owed)
eventually I had to pay

bank hounded me till I paid - didn't know I was liable!

good advice!

28th Feb 2009, 08:26
Now I am really confused, we used to have company AMEX in Ryanair which they subsequently removed. Reading the above, I now struggle to see the reason why. :confused:

banana head
28th Feb 2009, 21:23
Yes - beware the phrase "Joint Liability" in the small print - very common on Company Amex cards. I've been stung with this once too, although luckly only for Ģ135 which was overdue fees as my company were late paying the bill. They would not accept responsibility for it so they get their card back in 50 very small pieces.......

1st Mar 2009, 13:05
Same airline... different paint job and country. Has happened in the past, and will happen in the future. The application form that is signed clearly indicates that all signatours on the card are responsible for charges incurred.

Another detriment is that the company can authorize charges an any and all company cards through telephone purchases, unless any restrictions are placed on said card.

Very dangerous in these hard times... beware!

Landing and ground handling fees as well as fuel can be prepaid. Hotels and ground transportation can also be prepaid thus company credit card is not a requirement in most situations.

Mister Geezer
4th Mar 2009, 00:19
Landing and ground handling fees as well as fuel can be prepaid. Hotels and ground transportation can also be prepaid thus company credit card is not a requirement in most situations.

If only it was that easy!

4th Mar 2009, 11:20
We had a full time legal agent located in Houston, Texas to take care of those special cases where our own company ground handlers could not.

free at last
4th Mar 2009, 11:38
You can request a letter from the credit card companies, making only the corp. liable in case of default. You should always insist for one.

The Real Slim Shady
4th Mar 2009, 12:50
Gave up credit cards when my personal card was Ģ6K to the worse on the company's behalf and they were 3 months in refunding me!

4th Mar 2009, 21:33
Jeez, and you let it get that far believing they would refund you, I thought you understood them better than that :rolleyes: BTW I guess you did get it back. . . . . eventually :hmm: