View Full Version : Ryanair - Income

25th Feb 2009, 23:29
Hey, having just passed Ryanair selection I'm pretty interested to know how much I can expect to earn in my first and second years. I have a pretty good idea and I know the payscales but if someone is willing to post the amount paid into their accounts (or companies accounts) for the first year (monthly breakdown if possible) I would really appreciate it.

Eg: in the first 3 months (line training) I got paid xxx month 1, xxx month 2 etc. For the next 5 months i got paid xxx per month until I got to the 500 hour mark, then I earned xxx for this month and xxx for that month totalling xxx for the year. If anyone is willing to post this or something similar it would be greatly appreciated.:ouch:

25th Feb 2009, 23:35
Didn't you know ? you pay them :ugh:

Only partly joking ;) don't order the new BMW just yet.

26th Mar 2009, 14:23
Yeah, dont buy new ones, used are awesome these days!

2004 730d 75k miles 35mpg - £14k, was £55k new... its a no brainer.

On topic, you will need to check out the other threads with the hourly pay scales, ie starting on e45/hr...
Then I think the average is 60hrs/month ? at least thats the figure that is being thrown around on here.

Watch out, you've used 'Ryanair' in the thread title, so any minute now the sh*%$ slingers and RYN bashers will be arriving! :} :ugh:

26th Mar 2009, 17:40
40E an hour when line training once your safety pilot is released.

Once online I've flown on average 70hours per month over the past 5 months.

<500 hours 55.5 psbh
>500 75.5 psbh

26th Mar 2009, 18:02
lucky you i ve averaged 55 over the last 5 months..highest being 65

the more expensive you become the less you fly:mad:

26th Mar 2009, 18:19
Cheers V1 and beast.
Thats a significant hrs difference though. Do you think it might often be different between different bases?
Or just the standard thought of cheaper FOs getting more?
Where are you both based?

26th Mar 2009, 20:27
55hrs last month / 35hours this month looking like 40hrs next month with current projection on forcast,,,, i am past 500hrs on type

Sky Goose
27th Mar 2009, 06:10
Im an F/O with >500 hours (BRK) (Northern Europe Base)

Think it's best to average it out over the year, and divide by 12, as the hours can vary quite a bit, did 92 in Nov and 46 in Feb, looks like I'll end up at about 780 over the year. The skippers all seem to be nearer the 900 hour mark.

Been with RYR for about 2 years now, still enjoy going to work. :ok:

good luck

28th Mar 2009, 13:39
and as much free hot water that you can handle:ok:

leeds 65
28th Mar 2009, 14:41
However even the water is really bad,often luke warm !

leeds 65
28th Mar 2009, 15:05
Anything about existing brookfield guys?

Heard the ryanair guys are taking a pay freeze,id be surprised if brookfield dont announce some form of cuts to our already limited income

28th Mar 2009, 15:16
Heard the ryanair guys are taking a pay freeze,id be surprised if brookfield dont announce some form of cuts to our already limited income

It's called reduce hours of flying.

leeds 65
28th Mar 2009, 15:29
Thats true, a lot of STBY next month.blocks of 2/3 in a row !

28th Mar 2009, 15:59
What happened to you Leeds? You were such a fan until recently.

leeds 65
28th Mar 2009, 16:13
Iv learnt the errors of my ways

Still go to work with a smile,love the planes and interesting routes but bitterly pissed off with sorting out my own affairs its a real pain in the :mad:

My bank gives me a statement every month when monies hit the account and to be honest i cant really trust a company with a trading address in Gibraltar ,i found that interesting.

Also accountants on the make i dont like - so i do my own.

Other than the self employed stuff/brookfield everything is ok

28th Mar 2009, 16:27
Kudos for your honesty. Your previous posts were infuriating, newbies take note, don't argue with fellows who've been at it a while. I understand your motives in doing what you have to but don't blow sun shine while your being humped.

28th Mar 2009, 17:10
Has anyone else been given another month off? I just had Feb off as my Brookfield month off (fine- had a great time skiing), but now they have changed my roster so that I'm not working in April. Lucky I had a good 90ish hours this month, as I just got a floating contract.

It is clear they have far too many FOs at the moment, and not quite enough Captains. There just are not enough hours to go round. Why the hell are they still recruiting? Unless its because they are making a quick buck on the type ratings. At the end of the day it doesn't matter to them if they have too many Brookfield pilots. It doesn't cost them any more in wages.

leeds 65
28th Mar 2009, 17:44

Im very interested in getting a floating contract because im away from home anyway so it makes no real difference where im put.

Did you attain the floating contract easily?How long were you waiting?Do you have to meet a certain criteria,ie >500hrs?

28th Mar 2009, 17:54
Hi Leeds65

Someone out of my base enquired about a floating contract. BRK told them that you must have been flying out of your base for at least 6 months.

Hope this helps.

leeds 65
28th Mar 2009, 18:04

Thats great ill give BRK a call soon ,coming up to that time period :ok:

30th Mar 2009, 17:56
I think they wanted you to have been based somewhere for a year... not sure if there is actualy a criteria for it exactly. However I do know they have stopped giving them for the time being. I think I was in the right place at the right time. Made sense for me too as I was based out of the arse-end-of-nowhere for a year commuting home each week.

30th Mar 2009, 19:13
The hours and crews - were explained clearly by Bilko during the Conair Mugabellew Townhalls in each base. He lept about with markers and flip charts.

25 more planes to come - to get to 203 Aircraft in July - so they need 1000 Captains and FOs. Now they have over 1100 fos - so they will have 25 A/C worth of extra jet jockeys in April and May. Stick on leave - makes sense - but screws the pilots.

But they need to promote 150 FOS - to cover the new 2010 aircraft + the loss of 50 FOS to other airlines + need 150 co-pilots for 30 more 2010 aircraft - that leaves 350 odd - and they have not been doing any new training and it does not look like they will have any new copilots until Xmas - so I reckon they will run out of copilots in Dec 2009.

Bye, Bye Mugabellew -

30th Mar 2009, 19:41
what is a floating contract?

30th Mar 2009, 20:49
Like a sailboat, can go in any direction ( or nowhere), future trajectory unpredictable, sometimes lots of progress, sometimes not , :{ can sink without trace at a moments notice :ooh:

No actually, I think he means "contractor with no fixed/chosen (Ha;)) base". = 20e/hr more ? AFAIK

30th Mar 2009, 22:35
No new co-pilots until xmas, where is that info from?

there starting type rating at EMT in may which take 8weeks so thats July to start line training, finish line training and on line by october latest.

do you have more accurate info?

30th Mar 2009, 22:45
8 weeks - get real - to finish your type rating and get base checked - what are you smoking?

You must be joking. It has been quicker the last few years - but you are still going to have to wait a few weeks for base check, licence, safety pilot etc... 14-20 weeks more like it. Get real.

It is a tough training - rush it - and you may get caught for very expensive extra training.

30th Mar 2009, 23:39
thats still not xmas though

and reading the interview jobs forum people are starting training next week with CAE.

I am a current F/O with FR and know all the time scales and theres no way people starting in May wont be on the line until XMAS, even if there still line training there still flying the line.

so again,,, more accurate info

it did take a shade over 8weeks for my type rating and i finished on the friday and was base checked on the following tuesday, went to dublin the next day to get licence signed, was in gatwick thursday and faxed my licence off to training dept the same day and was rostered to fly the following week! it can happen quickly if you power thru and get your ass in gear.

31st Mar 2009, 09:23
Just to give you guys some idea:

Our course (at EMT) is due to start on the 1st June. We are expecting to be line training by August and line checked by November.

Our recruitment was apparantly directly related to new aircraft deliveries.


31st Mar 2009, 10:50
If you get your ass into gear!
Try Ryanair to get their ass into gear and having planes ready for base training....ow wait that will not be a problem this summer cause sure we will have plenty spare sitting around Dublin and STN :ugh:
Took me 5 weeks to get my base training done, every week I reported at STN and had the a/c pulled due to another one going tech either before we got airborne or during the first few guys circuits.
Finished in the sim 3rd May started line training end of June go figure

leeds 65
31st Mar 2009, 11:34
all about luck i think

I was waiting nearly 6 weeks for base training.Days away from 2nd recurrent circuit sim

Id say allow 3 to 3.5 months from start of TR to start of line training ,as you also have rostered supernumary jumpseat flights that are compulsary.

Plan finance as required,and hope to get lucky with your base beacuse most of it is - pot luck,random stuff.

31st Mar 2009, 16:02
Hi guys , just wondering is there any word on the RYANS recruiting type rated f/o's ?? I'm rated with 700 hours on it atm , last operated the 737-700 last july . thanks

The Real Slim Shady
31st Mar 2009, 20:08
Last word was cadets and DECs only.

kick the tires
31st Mar 2009, 21:30
Its such a sad reflection of the times when experienced chaps like mave get passed over for the ctc guys with the cheque book.

I feel quite dejected at the way things are going/have gone.