View Full Version : Basic Course - Emirates Aviation College

23rd Feb 2009, 21:56
Anyone have info or experience about the Basic Course provided by Emirates Aviation College ?

Emirates | Aviation College, Aerospace & Academic Studies (http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/courses/air_traffic/full_time/Basic_Induction_Assistant_051.asp)

What does it qualify for ?

any controller would care to give some info if this can be a good start for a carrier in the ATC Field especially in the Middle East ?

according to their website :

Basic Induction / Assistant – 051 After successful completion, the trainee will be prepared to commence On-The-Job Training as a Flight Data Assistant at an ATS unit or continue onto an Aerodrome Control Course.
http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Aviation Law http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Meteorology http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Navigation http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Aircraft Performance & Principles of Flight http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Equipment http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Operational Procedures http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Flight Data Processing http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Aerodromes http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Communications Who Can Attend?
http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif Trainees, who have sufficient English language skills, and have both been tested and selected by the client, or successfully passed the college entry tests. Standard
http://www.emiratesaviationcollege.com/aas/images/bullet_txt2.gif ICAO Guidelines 051

25th Feb 2009, 10:45
Depends much on what are your expectations. What do you want to achieve by attending this course? Let me know maybe I can help. Cheers

25th Feb 2009, 11:44
Thanks The Faclon for your reply

I am looking forward to be an ATC with in the middle east wether my home country (Egypt) or maybe UAE

In my home country the ATC Academy has closed it's doors as they don't need any more ATCs unless they will call for university graduates to apply and get trained to be ATCs
so my only option is self sponsoring and to study ATC Somewhere untill I Graduate and then I can apply to work somewhere

and by the way I already have some good knowledge of ATC sure not compared to any real ATC but I have gone through reading some annexes and I am very knowledgable about operations in my Home FIR (Cairo FIR)

looking forward for your help

Thanks in advance :)

25th Feb 2009, 12:44
The course you mentioned is a basic course mainly aimed at locals who wish to go into ATC as Assistants. I would not recommend this college if you intend to start a career into ATC. Your best bet would be ASTAC in the U.K or something similar. It is expensive I know but its the best way forward.


25th Feb 2009, 19:17
Don't they accept expats as assistants in UAE ?

Does ASTAC Guarantees a job after graduation or finishing the course ?

Also I have just checked their website it seems that they have the same course in Emirates Aviation College

Basic Training Course http://www.astac.co.uk/images/interface/dot.gif Duration: 5 Weeks
Objective: To satisfy the European Common Core requirement for a Basic
Training Course subsequent to attending a chosen Rating course. The course
includes; Aviation Law, Human Factors, Aircraft performance, Meteorology,
Navigation, Equipment, Professional environment and Management.
Prerequisite: None (The course itself is the prerequisite to the Rating
Remarks: The BTC can be either separate or part of a Rating course.

26th Feb 2009, 15:40
ASTAC is a private company and will not give you a job and I dont know if Emirates Aviation college will, you have to check about that. Assistants here are mainly asians and some locals but I do not know if vacancies exist right now. I would check with emirates college and if they guarantee a job with the course go for it. If not well......