View Full Version : BIG snatch

23rd Feb 2009, 19:01
To the sector controller, and approach controller & all others involved......
A BIG thankyou for the BIG snatch at around 1715 this afternoon. The first I've had for over 5 years! Also to the guy who gave us the 'heads up' of "29 miles to run"...you had 3 pairs of eyes open wide in excitement :) (Apologies for the "Is that really us you're talking too?)
Thanks again....brilliantly done & co-ordinated. :D

23rd Feb 2009, 19:24
Don't know what you are alluding too, but if it was a case off getting hold of you berore you hit the BIG hold, good on you!!... We will always try to minimise holds for you guys, because we know there are others piling in behind you. In truth, dont really consider you guys, its a case of self preservation so we need you to land. Spend a morning visiting TC and you will see what I mean!!

23rd Feb 2009, 19:47
Sorry.......:\...thought you were talking about a girl I used to work with.:eek:

23rd Feb 2009, 19:52
Although we got nothing definite until contacting 119.725 we got enough hints in the descent (heading/speed etc) to get the 350 pax sat down & strapped in in plenty of time.
I did 15 years in LHR shorthaul and got a few WCO/BIG snatches then, but since tranferring to longhaul 5 years ago haven't had any. Probably owing to the usual 0530-0630 arrivals :*
I did a visit to the old tower a couple of years ago & have done a TRUCE day. Great experience. But my vertigo prevents my asking for a visit to the new tower :uhoh:

(And ATCO....wasn't she the LGW MAY snatch? :) )

24th Feb 2009, 04:17
Sorry..........thought you were talking about a girl I used to work with.

Had me wondering too Fred.:ok: