View Full Version : Recession

ILS 119.5
22nd Feb 2009, 19:02
I was just wondering what members thought about our current recession and how it will affect our professional lives in the aviation industry. For example, as from the end of March BMI are ceasing their routes from Heathrow to Leeds/Bradford and Teeside. Is this due to the recession and will it affect jobs for pilots operating these routes and controllers working at these airports? What is the future going to see? Any thoughts?

22nd Feb 2009, 19:27
From what I can gather, the recession has got a long way to go yet.
Holidays abroad will be adversely affected, and so will holidays here, as it is global.
Business trips will be cut to the bone, and video conferencing will expand.
I work in the public sector, so I am unlikely to be affected by redundancy or pension cuts, but the poor return on savings, and food inflation mean that our three flights abroad each year will be cut to one, if that.
But it is really part on the economic cycle of boom and bust, so if people can manage to hang on another 12-24 months, the good times will return.

22nd Feb 2009, 19:36
Exactly Shark...Before all this "credit crunch" even happened...I was thinking...this house price inflation is just going mad...I've never owned a house and probably thought I'd be living at home forever...
It's crazy how much homeowners were making on their houses...It's about time things went back to normal...
It's not that people are losing money on their house...it's just that their house won't be increasing in value...

22nd Feb 2009, 19:41
Survival of the fittest. Trite but true.

The outcome will be a smaller aviation industry, as it will also be for motor vehicles and shipping. Fuel prices and supply will change drastically. The New World beckons. And it may well be a better place than the present.

I for one don't mind a change and tightening of the belt. But it will be tougher for new folk wanting to fly for a living. IMHO. (Of course, I could well be wrong. Often am)

23rd Feb 2009, 12:27
Exactly Roy...
As much as people think it's doom...it shouldn't be...We as a world have all the resources we need to live...
Back in the Old days...everyone Farmed for food...that food is still there...Water will always be there...but at the moment we buy food with money...that's the problem...Bricks and mortor do not cost £200,000...
If a builder charges to build a house because he needs food...and a man needs a house but has no money...well the man builds a farm and gives the man the food...

Anyway...We can all come together in obviously a more complexed way and help everyone out in the world...

23rd Feb 2009, 13:29
The reduction of standards under the guise of cost efficiency over the past X number of years was nothing but a scam by senior managers/directors/CEOs etc., to fill their pockets (how else could all those massive bonuses have been financed). Perhaps with the recession companies will have to improve :eek: their service standards to bring back the punters and have a chance of survival.

Yeah OK, I'm dreamimg! :bored:

25th Feb 2009, 21:37
No - I was just about to say that 'Avman'.

Also - Don't forget we still have 'some' complacent people working in this industry, From DFO right down to 'Trolley Dollie'

So, Like Roy has just said, It will not just be the survival of the fittest, But survival of the brightest too.

A kind of 'Waste Disposal' episode.

So all the 'silly immature' 6 month temporary cabin crews that are traditionally taken on will dissapear permanently at the 31st october!!

25th Feb 2009, 21:53
It would be grim if the recession continues. A few experts say that 2010 would be a time of recovery. The main impact for aviation is the long haul flights which people are less likeley to buy. Domestic flights should not be affected much. This means cheaper flights with less profit meaning possible pay cuts and extended leave at reduced pay rates.

25th Feb 2009, 23:04
Thomson The Dog Airways!

Quoted from the 'Travel Weekly'
Tui Bookings for 2009.

LH - 22% already booked for S09.

SH - 26% already booked for S09.

MH - 24% already booked for S09.

Capacity reduced by 17% for S09.

Capacity reduced by 09% for W09.

If demand does not pull through in the second quarter, Then Tui's forecasts will come under more pressure?

Average selling prices for S09 are 11% higher than last year.

Tui's german division is lower than the UK's figures.