View Full Version : Transfer to the flight deck

someday somehow
21st Feb 2009, 18:06
I dont know if i'm considered to be a cabin crew wannabe but here goes...

I recently obtained my commercial flying licences and have been looking for a job for some time now.

For obvious reasons its quite difficult to get a flight deck job at the moment, particularly in europe and particularly with relatively little experience.

I was advised that one way of getting onto the flight deck may be to work as cabin staff and eventually work your way to the cockpit.

Can anybody advise if this is a good option? I'd like to hear from people that have maybe done this themselves or know of people who have as well for which airline.


21st Feb 2009, 18:59
I know of several flight crew that have made the transition from back to pointy end... I`m hoping to do the same thing myself.

21st Feb 2009, 23:36
Hey Fella...

Have you looked Etihads Cadet Pilot scheme??? Its been removed from their careers website but it was like a training camp for new pilots- not too sure of the ins and out but im sure if you contact them they will be more than happy to fill you in.

Hope it helps. :)

someday somehow
22nd Feb 2009, 09:39
Nav, I already have my commercial licence!

23rd Feb 2009, 22:31
Not sure how its done in Europe, but in the US its definitely not a possibility to move from FA to FO/CA just on employment alone. I'm sure thats not what you meant when you posted your question! My advice to you is to keep building your hours and wait. Watch the industry - as you know its cyclical.. so maybe summer 2010 the airlines will start hiring again once some of the seniors have retired. If you just want to travel a bit while you waiting for the hiring to start, then sure, go ahead and join the airlines as an FA. When hiring resumes (which it eventually will) you'll be competing with other pilots who've been furloughed and have 1000s of hours TT. Keep flying, keep building them hours - it'll keep you competitive when the time comes. :ok: