View Full Version : Meal Allowance Question

2nd Feb 2009, 11:08
I work for a US carrier and we don't get a meal allowance per se, but a per diem rate. It has stagnated over the last few years. I'd like to see what some of the UK, Aus, SA, European, Asian airlines are paying crews for meal allowances these days.

Our per diem rate is a lousy $2.40 per hour from block out to block in!

2nd Feb 2009, 11:39
UK small charter- £2.30/flying hr plus £1.50/hr trip elapsed time. Bkfst inc in hotel contract. This is in a vastly more expensive food environment that Fla!

2nd Feb 2009, 11:57
This is in a vastly more expensive food environment that Fla!

Well I live in FLA but fly out of EWR. That is our international per diem rate - one size fits all - whether we're going to an expensive location or not!

2nd Feb 2009, 12:22
£3.00 an hour, hotel break inc in contract. Although the Hilton in helsinki want 17 euros for tomato soup!!

2nd Feb 2009, 13:42
European Carrier, Per Diems: $ 5,90 pr hr in the US/CAN, € 5,50 in Europe (EC area), $ 6,60 other countries. Could be worse I guess, and (still) mostly free from tax. But for how long? :ugh:

3rd Feb 2009, 07:09
Asian Carrier, Europe US$ 3,25 per hour, Asia 2,50 $, US about 2,65 $ per hour. In Europe Breakfast is included and some US destinations. Was not adjustet the last few years, especially when we paid 1.60 $ = 1 Euro. Cleaning and Laundry is not considerd.

But at least we do not pay for the Food and Drinks on board...... yet !!! ;)

Fly safe and land happy


3rd Feb 2009, 09:26
USD $150 per day while on duty. Corporate Operator

4th Feb 2009, 04:06
i work for a us carrier and get $1.25 per hr. i would glady accept some of the other rates on here.