View Full Version : No annual leave for 6 months for Ryanair pilots

1st Feb 2009, 17:27
Latest memo from FR management, (once again,without discussion or negotiation), informs all Ryanair pilots on a permanent contract that they can bid for leave for the months of April 2009, then Nov 2009 and Jan/Feb/Mar 2010 only.

For the 6 month summer period between end of April to beginning of Nov, no leave can be applied for .....

Mr Angry from Purley
1st Feb 2009, 17:33
yuk no serious time off with kids = d i v o r c e and a lot of leave to take in 4 months of the winter, suggests serious amounts of aircraft on deck?. Makes Jet2's week in the summer look attractive :\

Norman Stanley Fletcher
1st Feb 2009, 17:43
I genuinely feel for Ryanair employees. They are treated like scum by their dire employer. Tragically most of them chose not to spend the 1% required to join BALPA and coincidentally this is happening to them. Maybe there is some sort of strange connection between organised labour and better terms and conditions. Might I humbly suggest that you could point to every single company who works around the UK and make a direct comparison of their terms and conditions against their percentage relative membership?

1st Feb 2009, 18:36

1st Feb 2009, 21:31

It seems to me the only difference between ryan and easy here is that it's official and out in the open @ ryan. I'd rather have it like that. ...Don't know, maybe the leave situation differs between bases in easy but no-one I spoke to here in Italy has had leave granted over the summer and there's no availability until Oct/Nov. Great! :ouch:

leeds 65
1st Feb 2009, 21:33
To any brookfield lads and gals :

Is this 6 month leave ban applicable to Brookfield contracters as well?

The Real Slim Shady
1st Feb 2009, 22:43
Of course some pilots will not want or need leave during school holidays so April and November, Jan and feb suit them: ski-ing, Far East and Caribbean are fine then.

Boeing 7E7
1st Feb 2009, 23:54
....but that's not the point.

Norman Stanley Fletcher
2nd Feb 2009, 00:41
SmokeAndNoise - I can only speak for myself and immediate colleagues with confidence. Nonetheless I can say that I have received 2 periods of summer leave. The first was the one I requested and the second a week later. As importantly, we have an agreed protocol (not one that was imposed) and that was stuck religiously to.

2nd Feb 2009, 11:33
NSF unfortunately BALPA shot itself in the foot by first splitting the pilot body into two much like our company does and then has pissed about for the best part of 6 months with just hot air coming from them(endless meetings to bitch and moan with no progress ever achieved). I was a BALPA member but got frustrated at the hot air sessions and then the final straw was them wanting me to hand a letter in saying that no contractor should fly whilst RYR pilots were given leave. This despite me telling them that I was a contractor and refusing to get a ruling on the legality of the whole brookfield thing.

I'm happy for the easy guys and hope you can defend yourself from buy to fly things and summer only commands which haven't reached us yet, but saying that BALPA will cure all our ills is a bit naive especially seeing as BALPA has been dropping the ball of late (Local contracts for the easy boys in Madrid?)!

2nd Feb 2009, 12:23
I must be wrong if Clara is agreeing with me :E

Clara what happens if you don't get into another airline? Who know when these airlines will hire and surely if it works at one airline others will copy it.

We should all strive to improve our conditions at work and not prostitute ourselves out. Unlike you I don't consider 1000 per month to be a fair pay considering the amount of money I have invested in this. I think I'm worth slightly more than a McDonald's worker. :ugh:

As for you I think other people have put it better than I have but you my dear are a troll!

Capt Ted Crilly
2nd Feb 2009, 12:53
i think she is more like an emu rhodes13, you know bird that cant fly and all that!!!!!! :}

my jackets already on :O

2nd Feb 2009, 12:56
It seems to me the only difference between ryan and easy here is that it's official and out in the open @ ryan. I'd rather have it like that.

2 blocks bang in the middle of summer (at easy) for me. You do talk :mad:.

2nd Feb 2009, 14:40
Well, if that's a true reflection of the type of people joining what we used to think of as our profession, then I'm glad I'll soon be reaching the end of my road. Those of you who will be fighting to protect standards have a difficult enough task dealing with the likes of MOL. However, having a whole generation of Flying Claras in your ranks would make it intolerable. I hope she is just a figment of her own imagination. In the meantime, the very best of luck to those of you who still have the courage and character to stand up for yourselves.

2nd Feb 2009, 14:53

In this thread you state:

Easy jet is downgrading our terms and conditions, but it's still a good company for getting a first experience (which is the most important for all of us). Once you have hours you leave it and go to a good company (like BA, VS, Quatar, Ethihad, Emirates, Gulf air etc..).

Yet in the farcical Eazyjet (sic) news thread you started you claimed you'd be happy to spend your entire career with U2 :confused: :uhoh:

And as for this....

Those people working at Mc Donald would LOVE to fly an airliner seated in a confortable seat all the day, engaging the autopilot, and turning , climbing or descending excatly where the ATC controller want us to go, the only task is to let the autopilot, turn the hdg or alt switches to select want you want, and then read the newspaper, drink coffee and wait.

After a statement like that the very idea you might one day end up sitting at the pointy end of a commercial airliner is very worrying to say the least :=

Capt Ted Crilly
2nd Feb 2009, 15:22
in post 14 i made reference to the emu, doing it a great disservice with my comparision to the flying one.....

i think i really should have referenced the dodo,now extinct, as will our profession if kindergarten klara with that mindset get up the front......

i just hope my lottery numbers come up soon

2nd Feb 2009, 16:47
Not wishing to hijack the thread into a Clara bashing thread but!

Yes I would like to earn more but nowdays it is impossible, aviation has change and you take it...or you leave it

seems a little away from the dreamers quote on the 'hold pool thread':

Our first dream is to fly an airbus, the rest, it's only money.
To me, 2000 quids a month is more than enough to live very well and go out with friends. If I was interested in making money I would have worked in the finance industry.

Worse continuity than an old Ronald Reagen film! :}

p.s. 2 weeks in the middle of the kids summer holidays with wrap days before and after giving a total of 22 days hols in August! See you in the Caribbean!

Good luck with the hols!


2nd Feb 2009, 18:11
p.s. 2 weeks in the middle of the kids summer holidays with wrap days before and after giving a total of 22 days hols in August! See you in the Caribbean!

It's raining in the caribbean between July and October :ok:

2nd Feb 2009, 18:20
I know, keeps the cost of the kids showers down! :E

2nd Feb 2009, 21:33
"Those people working at Mc Donald would LOVE to fly an airliner seated in a confortable seat all the day, engaging the autopilot, and turning , climbing or descending excatly where the ATC controller want us to go, the only task is to let the autopilot, turn the hdg or alt switches to select want you want, and then read the newspaper, drink coffee and wait"

Yes because of course it really is that easy... :ugh: :mad: :ugh:

3rd Feb 2009, 08:04
"Those people working at Mc Donald would LOVE to fly an airliner seated in a confortable seat all the day, engaging the autopilot, and turning , climbing or descending excatly where the ATC controller want us to go, the only task is to let the autopilot, turn the hdg or alt switches to select want you want, and then read the newspaper, drink coffee and wait"

Well my 30 year old son has worked at MacDonald's since the age of 16 and is now a manager there and very happy with it. There is NO way he wants to be an airline pilot. When asked a few years ago if he wanted to be an airline pilot "like his dad" he replied, in all seriousness "Not likely - I have seen dad come home from too many night flights".

I wouldn't stop my sons from becoming pilots but I have made them aware of what the airline industry is really like these days.

FCS Explorer
3rd Feb 2009, 08:32
....don't they get some summer vacation?
intentional shortage of crews? sudden rise in hours to be flown during the summer schedule? additional aircraft comming?
what's the background?

3rd Feb 2009, 09:53
what's the background ?

Evil b*****ds for management ......

3rd Feb 2009, 10:15
I used to work at McDonnalds during college, glad I did it but happier in the flight deck,,,,,, but arnt alot open until midnight as standard and 24hr on weekends now! surely thats like night flight hours too! just with fries instead of the Jet

3rd Feb 2009, 10:51
Unfortunately you don't immediately get 4 stripes for sticking out a whole night shift, unlike the stars in McD's! :E

3rd Feb 2009, 14:36
Hmm, the thought of the dreaded deep fat fryer power failure or a catastrophic burger flipping disaster makes the thought of a single engine, night crosswind landing with the heart rate racing and a few automated systems offline (Auto thrust died on me the other day due to a sensor failure!) pale into complete insignificance!

Automatics have a nasty habit of failing or, in the case of an Airbus, just doing something plainly stupid. Always remember that, whatever you fly, you will really only ever earn your money when the proverbial hits the fan, everything up to that point is insurance.


How did we get to this from leave? Off to McD's now! :E

3rd Feb 2009, 15:16
I've just re-discovered the reason for not looking at the posts on here recently. Most of them are utter drivel.
The first post on this thread is inaccurate. The leave memo does not say that there will be no leave available over the summer this year. It says that applications are now being accepted for this April, and next winter.
The memo does not originate from the man, or the department, responsible for allocating leave. If enough guys (and girls) take up the winter leave offer, the nice chap who put out the memo might have some figures to actually help him get the crewing ratio right next winter. He cocked it up recently by allocating unpaid leave, and then running out of Captains.

3rd Feb 2009, 15:43
Sid Plate then perhaps you can explain why I got a reply to a query on Crewdock from rostering, stating that leave applications outside the months published would not be processed as per PB's memo ?

Or do you know something the rest of us don't ?

3rd Feb 2009, 16:24
The application and allocation process for summer leave hasn't yet opened.
PB wants winter volunteers first, before handing over the rest of the year to that waster JD, who will no doubt refuse any and all requests again.

3rd Feb 2009, 16:39
You seem remarkably well informed...... perhaps PB could have explained that a bit more clearly in his memo instead of stirring up a hornets nest !

Deliberately ambiguous perhaps ?

3rd Feb 2009, 18:33
Seems entirely reasonable that a seasonal industry should impose constraints on annual leave. I had some time on contract in IT in local government when there was a particular job coming up known about several months in advance that would require all hands to the pumps to get completed the management took the decision to stop all leave for six months to get the job done.

If it can happen in UK local government why not with MOL?

3rd Feb 2009, 19:01
Brookfield pilots with Ryanair get no leave for eleven months!

3rd Feb 2009, 20:13
Brookfield pilots with Ryanair get no leave for eleven months!

Hmmm, good point ......

So, given that the RYR flying hours are zeroed in April each year rather than a rolling total, theoretically one could fly 900 hours in the last 9 months of a year ending in April then fly 900 hours in the first 9 months of the new year starting in April, effectively meaning one could have flown a total of 1800 hours in 18 months. So for a consecutive 11 month period it is possible to have flown 1100 hours without any annual leave .........

So 600 hours without any annual leave should be easy then ! .....


PS Cremeegg having tired IT workers in local government is not quite the same as having tired pilots .......

Cloud Bunny
3rd Feb 2009, 22:31
From what I understand from my BC, SID is correct the leave system is only currently open for winter leave applications. Summer applications will be available in due course. It makes no sense to have all the crews available for the entire Summer, and at no point in PB's memo did it state that no summer leave would be available. We live in hope!!:p

5th Feb 2009, 22:34
If you and RYR accept that they are a seasonal business, and that RYR would prefer crews to take holiday in winter, why not suggest an incentive package. I once flew for a charter airline, very seasonal. Those who gave up summer leave voluntarily received an extra 2 weeks in winter. The company didn't want you then anyway and it was a WIN WIN. You were at home on pay not flying; days off or SBY; so why not be on paid leave. Same cost, but they had you when they needed you in summer. It just needs a little imagination and common sense.

8th Feb 2009, 18:53
there speaks someone with no knowledge of how FR management works.

They don't do incentives. They don't do negotiation. What will come next is no leave in the summer and plenty of unpaid leave in the winter when they have had 100 hrs per month out of you for 9 months.

8th Feb 2009, 19:47
Until you fools who think being an airline pilot is...
a) glamorous
b) well paid
c) cool
d) fun!
working for a lo cost carrier flying.....!!!! (pressing buttons) in a locked box and think they are having a great life. I really think you need to have a close look at your lives and look outside the box (cockpit).
There is a big world out there that loves go getters and most pilots i have met are just that. My simple and humble advice is do not wait until it is too late to do something else and now is the time to start looking to new horizons and when things change (it will) you will be well placed.
Scratching the sleep out of your eyes at 7am in the climb as you creep through the top of the cloud on your first of a 4 sector day to the same old places or the days when you were doing the wx ship and punching through the cloud in the vertical at 7:30am with the stick hard against your leg in vertical aileron roll frenzy.
Done them both and only one brings back good memories.
My final word to you pilots(airline) is... now more than ever is make sure one of you can stand at the door and say hello/goodbye to the folks who pay you, that way you are one better than a bus or train driver. Otherwise thats all you will become .......... a driver.
(i do miss the smell of hot burnt jet fuel though)
my T&P's:)

8th Feb 2009, 20:55

are you a little daft?

agree that summer months off would be nice for a change, I on the other hand like to ski and can quite happyly travel further than the costa del sol for winther sun, no bother at all!

but as for the comment fly 100hr a month for 9months then winter off, wheres the issue there??? you cant fly more than 900 a year anyway,, so which ever way you break down hours per month you cant earn more than the 900hrs

so why not get them all out the way, get the cash in then sit back for 3 months doing what ever you want while everyone else gets up at 4am to do 4 sectors!

9th Feb 2009, 20:39
zerotohero, presumably you don't have a wife and kids - but if you do, you won't have for much longer with an attitude like that .....


10th Feb 2009, 00:26
nope, no wife and kids, and not planning to for at least 4-5 years yet, at which point i might be ready to move on from FR hopefully with a command under my belt and some good experiance, as stepping stones go they dont come much better than FR for lots of hours and quick commands

10th Feb 2009, 09:53
Winkle... I have to say that after 30+ years in all aspects of aviating I have to say that the worst day in the cockpit still beats the best day in the office behind the desk...:ok:

I'm sure that most may disagree with me on this one.

10th Feb 2009, 13:00
And wither pray tell will ZEROTOHERO be skipping off to? Few if any want FR captains as anything other than experienced FO's. In the mean time you denigrate our profession and degrade our T&C's. Its all been said before and I bit, apologies, but every so often a fool trips the switch.

10th Feb 2009, 13:55
you are right for the short amount of time i have spent behind a desk the worst days in aviation beat it..... but i have also had a huge amount of pleasure from many other aspects of differing employment (although none that come close to mil aviation) I just think that the lifestyle of an airline pilot has changed and doesnt have the credence it deserves thats why i say that the pilots should become more visible to the punters.
ex pilot

leeds 65
10th Feb 2009, 14:09
Not sure if you can call FR a stepping stone really given that it is one of the 'BIG FOUR'.Stable rosters unlike other airlines and plenty of opportunity.And also a chance to be based close to your home.Certainly one of the safest houses around at the moment.

The 'grass is always greener' at other airlines.:}

10th Feb 2009, 17:32
zerooooooooooto heroooooooooooo

where do you get off calling other people daft simply because they want a slightly different life to you?

I'll explain it to you simply:

At STN for example there is a 5 on 4 off pattern, which means there are on average a little over three cycles per month. If you are flying 100hrs that means over 30 hours per work cycle of five days, week in week out, with no leave. Have you ever heard of the phrase 'fatigue management'?

Personally I would rather spread my work out a little and remain safe throughout the year, rather than working while fatigued just so i could go skiing for a couple of months. And in any case I have a feeling the company will want the 900 hrs and send you off on unpaid leave to do your powder prancing.

Safe landings

12th Feb 2009, 09:18
If, and I mean if one of these new deals is accepted with the annual leave ammendment then I would imagine April to September maybe October 100 hours every month (which is 600-700hrs) The months with 31 days expect 100 to 110 hours.

The rapid accumulation of flying and duty time is a chronic problem which needs addressing.

Anyone who agrees or is considering these new pay offers is a mug and must be enlightened.

MrHorgy and Zerotohero - you are symptematic of the obnoxious "I want it all now" selfish Co-pilots I fly with occasionally that only look out for themselves. I spend much of my time time selling/lobbying the idea of union recognition and repaweb.org only to be met with "I am not paying one percent of my salary to join" "I am Brookfield it doesn't affect me" "I won't be here much longer" "I don't want to piss of rostering/company because they reduce my flying". The list of excuses is endless and dull.

This sudden appearance of the base visits is a clear warning to all those too scared to stick up for themselves and their livelihood.

13th Feb 2009, 14:19
mr horgy and zerotohero,after looking at your previous selfish posts i hope i never come across any of you in the flight deck

The Real Slim Shady
14th Feb 2009, 09:39
I mean if one of these new deals is accepted

There is no IF; either accept the Option 2 or have the Option 1 imposed.

Dont you just love negotiations?