View Full Version : Saving Bletchley Park

29th Jan 2009, 18:50
If you are interested in saving Bletchley Park, please sign this government petition!
Petition to: Save Bletchley Park. | Number10.gov.uk (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/BletchleyPark/)

Double Zero
29th Jan 2009, 19:29
Duly signed.

It's incredible what vandalism to our history takes place when greed & £ are involved - hopefully one benefit of the 'downturn' will be to put a spoke in developer's plans.

midnight retired
29th Jan 2009, 20:52
Thankyou for highlighting this item ,the goose that layed the golden eggs must be saved its wartime role is an important part of our heritage.

29th Jan 2009, 21:00
Duly signed - in memory of my late aunt Jean - one of the team in Hut 6.

30th Jan 2009, 07:40
16986 signatures - signed up!

Will Hung
30th Jan 2009, 07:51
Plus 1 !!!!!

30th Jan 2009, 08:26
I cannot sign the petition since I'm not a UK resident, but it would be a major crime if BP were to be lost! :eek:

30th Jan 2009, 14:23
Duly signed as it would be a great loss to our history if it were lost. However, I am not sure that petitions to the government work. They seem to do just what they want and ignore the feelings of the majority.

You do not have to be a UK resident to sign a petition. As long as you are a British citizen you can sign as an expatriate, as I do.

30th Jan 2009, 16:01
S'land, I'm not an expat either. I'm a cloggie who has spent a lot of time in the UK, including a very memorable visit to Bletchley.

30th Jan 2009, 17:12
Signed here as well. Does nobody care about anything older than yesterday any more?

2nd Feb 2009, 11:01
Well, apparently some of today's youngsters do. Last time I was there I was having a look round the Churchill exhibition and a very well produced folder on his career was on display. I asked the curator who had done it and he told me the story. A youngster on a school visit had asked him "Who's this Churchill bloke then?" The curator was rather taken aback but nevertheless gave him an overview. The reply was along the lines of "Well I've got a project to do so it might as well be him." Not expecting a great deal he asked if he could see the finished result and some weeks later was delighted to see a neatly presented document with photographs covering virtually the whole of the great man's career. I don't know if it's still on display but I'm sure it will be an interest for one young man for the rest of his life, all thanks to Bletchley Park.

3rd Feb 2009, 14:32
petition signed !...can't believe bp is in danger of being lost!