View Full Version : Failed final exam - what options are there?

27th Jan 2009, 00:45
I completed an area rating course, but unfortunately failed the final practical exam in the simulator (out of 3 exam exercises you had to pass 2, I passed 1...). You don't get a second chance, so my training was stopped and I was not allowed to go on to unit training.

Previously I passed the theory phase with high marks, and I have got very good recommendations from some of the instructors.

So I'm wondering what options are available to pursue an ATC career. Having got this far I think I have at least some talent for it (!). Who would consider hiring someone in my position? Is it seen as a problem that I failed an exam or as a plus that I'm already partly trained? (The course I did was CCC compliant, so any organisation using CCC could probably put me directly on a rating course, as I have already completed the basic course.)

And would my best bet be to contact the HR people directly and explain my situation (with the risk of being banned because I failed somewhere else), or send in a "normal" application, go through the selection process and hope for the best?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated, of course especially from anyone involved in recruitment.

4th Feb 2009, 00:31
Over 400 views but no replies... Perhaps I should get a bit more specific:

If I would apply to NATS in my situation, would I benefit from contacting them and explaining my situation, or should I just go through the normal selection process? In other words, should I stay quiet about my failing somewhere else if applying to NATS?

4th Feb 2009, 09:37
Where was your initial training ?

Mr Red
4th Feb 2009, 09:54
If you applied to NATS you would have to do the whole process anyway but I would possibly keep quiet about your failure as surely it would ring alarm bells maybe?

ps, Just because you passed the theory doesn't actually mean you can do it in practice, sorry to say that but it's true!

Lon More
4th Feb 2009, 15:54
I wouldn't think keeping quiet is an option. Somewhere, either at the paper stage or at interview you're going to be asked what you've been doing. Telling a porky and being later found out would probably be grounds for dismissal.

As stated, passing the theory with a high mark is not a reliable indication of progress in the sim. and results there do not neccessarilly give an indication of progress in OJT Might be better to consider an alternative - airline ops. perhaps?

4th Feb 2009, 23:07
Of course good theory marks doesn't automatically equal good practical performance, but why should I reconsider my career choice based on the results of a 40 minute exam, when I've been doing fine up until that point? Naturally I want to check what other possibilities are out there.

My point was not to get into a discussion about this though, I'm merely interested to know whether anyone here has any insight into the recruitment policies at various ANSPs, how they would handle a situation like mine and what the best approach is from my point of view.

4th Feb 2009, 23:20
As dtmpower asked, letting us know where you failed your initial application would help. It'll help us understand your course content and what exams you had sat up to the final one. All ATC's differ in training so you cannot compare one from the other.

NATS will make you go through the full application process and then if successful you'll have to go through their full training program too.