View Full Version : Aviation Medicals v MCA Medical

Hell pirate
23rd Jan 2009, 09:31
Does anybody out there no about Aviation class 2 Medical v MCA Commercial medical.
Would my class 2 cover my MCA medical.:confused:

The reason that I'm asking is if the MCA turns around and say's no. That means I have to go off to an appoved MCA Doctor and PAY hard earned cash for another piece of paper. I have written to the MCA for clarification on this. Waiting...
Everything you do nowdays requirers you to have a piece of paper which costs us fortunes to Validate, Revalidate, Retest, Resit, Refresh and if you have to pay for this it hurts. But if your boss is paying your laughing.:E

MCA ( Maritime Coastguard Agency UK )

13th Feb 2009, 18:15
Only the MCA can answer that one!