View Full Version : European Commission to rule the status of pilots?

21st Jan 2009, 09:15
If you think that some Airlines' practices in terms of employment and recruitment discriminate the pilot profession, feel free to tell the European Commissioner in charge, Vladimir Spidla and his team.

Vladimir Spidla - EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/spidla/policies_en.cfm)

If you wish to send him your toughs, just click on "Contact Me" (top right)

21st Jan 2009, 11:46
Thanks. Just sent him a letter on my view of KLMīs discriminatory and outdated hiring policy.

King Halibut
21st Jan 2009, 12:30
I sent them a picture of me as a donkey and they just sent me back a picture of a carrot! This is an outrage :}

21st Jan 2009, 13:09
It takes about 2 weeks to receive an answer but they always come back to you. Having said that, a petition should have more influence.

Open Des, sorry to hear about your KLM's story. Unfortunately, you can face discrimination almost everywhere in Europe. Airlines probably try to protect their market but is it really fair?

By the way, I've never experienced any discrimination in the UK which is not my native country but did in other European countries. It could be my personal experience... or just a matter of language. Everybody speaks english and that makes UK more "approachable".

However I don't understand selection's criteria like "holding a National Diploma" or "Only for xxxxxx citizens!". or Companies who don't even take the time to translate their job's offer in English. Don't we deserve it?

21st Jan 2009, 13:19
Q1: As Iceland is NOT a member state of the EU, but AAI wholly owns the crewing agency Airborne Personnel HQd in Guernsey. Would this commission be interested in hearing from ex-AAI ex-pats recently shafted. Guernsey is also not a MEMBER, but has a 'special relationship'. WTF does THAT mean?

Q2: If you are contracted by a wholly owned subsidiary of an Icelandic Company, but your crew agency HQs are in the Channel Islands..... is your contract worth ANYTHING?

22nd Jan 2009, 08:37
Thats a interesting link, perhaps the commisiner could shed some light on the validity of teh practises employed by AAI and or FFF.