View Full Version : ATP Scheme (easyJet & BMi)

A320 wanabee
13th Jan 2009, 12:17
I've been reading for a while now about this ATP scheme and I think its probably about time we had some comments from those that have done the scheme and maybe those that have experienced their students.

Are these students any better/worse more/less capable than other people joining the companies? ie, how do they compare to the First Officers in easyjet and midland?

Who are the guys running the scheme? Captain Jonathan Curd is listed, but it cant be a 'one man band'? Can it? Presumably he has a good reputation to do this scheme, and from what I can see it seems to offer work on completion. Once you have been trained, YOU will be a high quality commodity and we have several airlines waiting to sign you up as a direct entry First Officer with full salary and benefits. Surely thats a good thing?

Have any gone on to get work after the scheme?

If you have been through the scheme perhaps you can post your experience.

one day soon
13th Jan 2009, 12:26
"Once you have been trained, YOU will be a high quality commodity and we have several airlines waiting to sign you up as a direct entry First Officer with full salary and benefits."

What would you expect them to say........The truth???? :confused:

"Once you have been trained, YOU will be dropped like a hot coal and be left out in the cold with the rest of the type-rated fo's unable to get any work in this current climate"

13th Jan 2009, 12:42
OH FOR F****'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to sell some s**t and see who'll buy it, of course I'll put some chocolate on the top!!

Don't do these schemes there is a recession on how desperate do you have to be?

Recessions=no recruitment, just be patient and wait for a while for heaven's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13th Jan 2009, 12:47
Is it true its 36k??

If so I can't honestly believe such a scam exists and I can't believe people actually sign up for it. Guys with thousands of hours on type can't get a job, you won't get one with ATP, but shhhhhh don't tell the potential customers that!!! maybe they don't know about the recession!!

one post only!
13th Jan 2009, 12:51
There is a thread in the wannabe sponsorship bit. No-one from ATP has posted on there saying they have a full time job through the scheme or know of anyone who has. Draw your own conclusions!

A320 wanabee
13th Jan 2009, 13:55
Thanks, those are the sort of replies I expected.

surely its misleading advertising though? '..we have several airlines waiting to sign you up as a direct entry First Officer with full salary and benefits.'

If they don't surely, there can be some sort of comeback? Advertising Standards Agency perhaps?

Keep on commenting though... :ok:

Nearly There
13th Jan 2009, 14:06
I know 2 guys who completed the scam:oh:..sorry scheme a while ago now, and from them not one person has been succesful in gaining employment, either from ATP or off there own back.

How they can still advertise all there promises of jobs on completion is beyond me, with a job placement succes rate of 0%

Is it true its 36k

yep, somewhere around that figure.

Doug the Head
13th Jan 2009, 15:53
This shortcut could work under the right circumstances, i.e. lots of jobs, not enough pilots, but in the current economic climate I'd say you're roughly 2 years too late and you'll need to wait another 7-10 years before the market recovers enough.

If you can't get a job then cut/limit your losses and focus on a different career, but don't try to catch a falling knife by buying type ratings/experience. As some people pointed out, there are (and will be!) enough more experienced pilots out of work soon, so don't think that 500 hours on an Airbus will make a difference for your chances.

Investing in these schemes at the moment is absolute madness and would require a sort of risk taking mentality that, ironically enough, most airlines would fail pilots on during a selection. :rolleyes:

13th Jan 2009, 15:55
I did a little bit of research on the Net and here is what I came up with:

Name & Registered Office:
Company No. 06535108

The company belongs to Captains JC and JC. They also own another company called fear of flying. They have produced videos together and they both flew for BMI.

The rumour around the easy office is that it also belongs to another senior figure in our lot.

This however has been denied, though i do not think that he would admit it......

Interesting that both contracts are with easy and BMI!!!!! Why not Thomas Cook, or Monarch?

Who knows and or can influence the training management of both companies?

Somebody has been helping him in easy and BMI......

Naming and Shaming JC has no effect. I believe that the only way to stop him, is by getting BALPA involved.......

PPRUNE is not that significant in this cause. People know about this, all we are doing is legitimising his scheme for those who want to buy line training. We are actually giving him free advertising.

Stop him by getting BALPA involved....

We got him out of easy, however we are now facing the CTC flexi crews..... from what I hear he had put a proposal to that effect as well.....

At least he got sh...ed and someone else is doing it, though in the end us flying the line are losing out....

Who knows maybe he will be asked to join the management team of Ryanair the way he disrespects his fellow pilots.....

Doug the Head
13th Jan 2009, 16:30
Naming and Shaming JC has no effect.That's true, but for those that are genuinely interested (which has nothing to do with naming and shaming!) just Google "Whois Search (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=whois+search&btnG=Google+Search&aq=0&oq=whois+s)" and fill in the blank...


Doug the Head
13th Jan 2009, 16:49
It clearly says that in order to join as a Direct Entry, you need a minimum of 50 (FIFTY) hours on A320 or B737... It doesn't say a maximum Clara.

But by all means, keep on trying. Who knows, you might get lucky with 50 hours on a 737 or 320... ;)

Doug the Head
13th Jan 2009, 16:59
Minimum, maximum, who really cares?HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Pink Floyd called it "Comfortably Numb," others say "ignorance is bliss."

Must be a wonderful experience... :cool:

13th Jan 2009, 20:54
I presume these training organisations are included under each airlines IOSA approval. Surely the pilot management at the airlines in question would not let an 'unapproved' organisation supply pilots without an in depth knowledge of the company and the individuals behind the training organisation ?

Also I thought to get a BAA Airport pass these days you had to be a member of staff and vetted by the Airline; in addition to the disclosure certificate. Someone at the Airline has to sign the BAA form and state this is true, I don't see how they can.

I am staggered any respectable airline would expose itself to so many issues of safety and security, just to make a few quid.

CarltonBrowne the FO
13th Jan 2009, 21:50
Holding Pool.
Any idea how many others are in the pool? Or what number you are? Does the place in the pool last indefinitely, or does it expire?
In the meantime, how are you keeping current on the Airbus? When does your IR expire?
Money well spent?
Good luck with that.

one day soon
13th Jan 2009, 22:22
Its understandable that after all the stress and cost incurred on getting your frozen atpl that paying for line training looks like 'one final step' but I think most people on pprune would agree that its not a good idea.
Its not out of malice or pleasure that they have this opinion, just good old experience!
As for certain other bo%$ox... sorry opinions from self proclaimed experts like Clara etc, you only need to look at other threads i.e. 'easy holding pool' to see that other members of various pools question whether these 'characters' are female/male, pilots/managers, or generally people who stand to gain financially from promoting these schemes/scams!

I think most of us dislike these schemes but would find it more dificult to ridicule them if times were good and there were written guarantees at the end of them offering employment....... but facts are facts.......

The industry is in a downturn, there is very little recruitment and if things were good and expansion/employment were a possibility then niether easy or bmi would have the time or capacity to offer these schemes in the first place.

Just my tupence worth but as valid as any other part time experts on here. Best of luck to all 'genuine' wannabes out there