View Full Version : Grob Cockpit Layout

6th Jan 2009, 11:58
Hello all,

I'm due to start RN pilot grading in a couple of weeks, does anyone have a copy or know the location of a mock-up cockpit layout for a Grob?

I've got hold of FRCs etc but I'd like to make reading through them more relevant by following on the cockpit.

I had a quick search but couldn't find anything, apologies if this has been asked/posted before!

Thanks for your help.

6th Jan 2009, 12:09
There is a poster going around, so your local ATC Sqn may be able to lay their hands on one, failing that a POC at an Air Experience Flight.

Plus, if you do a Google Images search, there are a few photos about.

6th Jan 2009, 13:12
PM coming your way.....

6th Jan 2009, 15:43
Cheers guys, a bit more internet digging has revealed this labelled layout, in case anyone else is after one.


Anyone with a bigger, better one please post!

I'm Off!
6th Jan 2009, 15:47
Erm, doesn't that defeat the object of Grading?

6th Jan 2009, 15:54
Why? Sounds like the OP is using his/her initiative, and I'm sure that those doing the grading will take note and adjust the 'playing field' if they feel it necessary.

6th Jan 2009, 15:58
Commendable, but there's far more to Grading than learning your checks, vital as that is. You will have time, though not loads of it, to learn them while at 727, but the point of grading is to see if you have the learning bandwidth to move through flying training at the required pace, and thus save you and the system grief later on. Buddy up with another so you can sit in the hangar queen/dummy cockpit and run each other through.

Make good notes in the pre and post flight briefs, and work with confidence in the cockpit. Getting checks right will matter, but not half as much as taking control of the aircraft in a safe but assured manner.

6th Jan 2009, 18:40
Buddy up with another so you can sit in the hangar queen/dummy cockpit and run each other through.:ooh:

Surely they would be better off learning their checks? :E

6th Jan 2009, 20:32
Surely they would be better off learning their checks?

He's off to the Navy so perfectly acceptable. In fact, it's probably the law. ;)

7th Jan 2009, 16:18
A_A, thanks for the advice, that ties in with what everyone I've spoken too has said - that grading is an assessment of one's capacity to learn and then carry out.

To continue the playing field metaphor, I just want to make sure I know which game I'll be playing when I start! I want to put myself as much in the correct frame of mind as possible first; I am more than used to learning, but the cockpit and the air are totally alien environments to me, so hopefully familiarising myself with the cockpit, FRCs etc will give me a bit of momentum up the no-doubt very steep learning curve.

In case anyone else is looking for one, a bit more google-digging has turned up this cockpit poster on the Air Cadets' website:


Any better examples please post!

As for running fellow graders through, I couldn't possibly say, but surely not in the hangar queen?!

7th Jan 2009, 21:06
As for running fellow graders through, I couldn't possibly say, but surely not in the hangar queen?!

Oh I don't know, they might like that sort of thing. Or were you all talking about the permanently broken aircraft that one usually finds cluttering up the corner of the average hangar??? :E

False Capture
8th Jan 2009, 00:36
You lot need help. I bet most of you think flying is only for males!

You're all assuming that mtp_rich is a bloke and that he's going to biff some other bloke in the back of a hangar!

I'm hoping that mtp_rich is a wealthy bird with big, juicy baps and she likes to put it out.:ok: