View Full Version : Flight Test Jobs

30th May 2001, 21:52
Hi All,

I've seen some adverts recently for Flight Test positions in Europe. I'm in the USA and might be interested in working in Europe for a while. Anybody got any information or experience with these two outfits ...

a) Cargolifter
b) Flight Test Associates

Thanks in advance

John Farley
30th May 2001, 23:23

I have done some consultancy for FTA over the years and was with them a couple of weeks ago. I don't believe they have any current vacancies, but don't take that as gospel. After all, if a new contract pops up any company can need chaps quickly........



Genghis the Engineer
31st May 2001, 10:27
Cargolifter is a big new concern in Germany developing a massive cargo carrying airship. They've been recruiting in a big way for a couple of years from all aeronautical disciplines.

I suppose the bottom line is that if the airship concept re-launches successfully it's the route to a glorious future. If it doesn't well it probably isn't! I have a friend who is a very well regarded design engineer working out there, and given the number of people trying to employ him in the UK, he must be pretty happy with it to stay put.

Correct me if I'm wrong JF, but I think that FTA is the commercial arm of ITPS, the UK's commercial flight test school (a smaller operation than NTPS but run on a similar basis).


John Farley
31st May 2001, 17:37

You said correct me if I'm wrong -trouble with that is you don't know if I've seen it!

You are correct re FTA and ITPS



31st May 2001, 20:02
Thanks Guys !

FTA had an advert in the Aviation Week of May 21 for "contract positions in Europe" - that's why I was asking about them ...

Genghis the Engineer
1st Jun 2001, 02:05
It was merely a subtle way of saying that I wasn't absolutely certain.