View Full Version : Graduate Ops?

31st Dec 1999, 04:00
Anyone know of any suitable schemes or companies willing to take a graduate (BEng Aeronautical Systems Eng - 2:2) for training or something?
Im looking for something to enter this field, but its quite tough.
Ive tried BA, but they want a 2:1..bugger!
Any info appreciated!

Genghis the Engineer
31st Dec 1999, 18:40
Like a fair number of other people, I started in flight testing with a job near the bottom at Boscombe Down.

That said, I started elsewhere in the organisation and then tried hard for a move. So, you might like to look at the graduate entry schemes at BAe, DERA, & Westlands who all have fairly sizeable FT operations. If you can't get straight into an FT department (likely) angle for something like airworthiness, aerodynamics or ops, and then try for an internal move once you've got your feet under the table.

If you only have a 2:2 (that's me as well) you need to increase your value by looking for other experience that will make you stand out from the crowd - flying training, voluntary work, cleaning aeroplanes on your local GA airfield to stay around aviation.

Worked for me anyway.


[This message has been edited by Genghis the Engineer (edited 31 December 1999).]