View Full Version : "Going Critical" - Attn John Farley

10th Oct 2001, 01:23
Mr Farley,

I hope that you'll read this!

I watched with great interest your interviews through the "Going Critical" programme on C4 this evening.

As you may see on another forum here, I was lucky enough to fly with Alexandre Beschastnov in a MiG-29 early last month at Zhukovsky.

Sadly, as I hope you are aware, the recent crash of the new Russian "Ghzel" business turboprop cost Alexandre his life. This was only two days after I returned from Moscow, and I consider myself very lucky to have had the opportunity to fly with him.

Would it be possible for you to drop me an e-mail, I have a question to ask (a direction point towards the production company) as I did not realise the programme was on until half way through, by which time, I understand, Alex had been interviewed. I hope you can help: [email protected].

Thanks C4 for the programme and thanks Alex for a go in your aircraft.