View Full Version : Icelandic VFR Charts

21st Dec 2008, 17:20

I am trying to get a hold of some Finland VFR charts. Particularly covering Helsinki and the South East area. None of the UK usual suspects seem to stock them. I looked up their CAA website, sent an email and have had no reply. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance


Edited due to my denseness!

9th Jan 2009, 13:01
Charts for Finland or Iceland? Other than being two countries, the difference is that Finland is a first world country and Iceland is not. Not to be drawn into a discussion about the comment do I have to mention more than the inflation, interest rates and government oversight? Now I apologize for the rant :}

However have a look for charts for Finland at https://ais.fi/ais/eaip/


For VFR charts covering most of Finland Sil-Shop - VFR-kartta paketti 1 (suomi) (http://www.silshop.fi/shop/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=1706)

contact by phone and email in English: Tel +358 9 3509 3450

Fax +358 9 3509 3440 and [email protected]

10th Jan 2009, 12:41
Well thank god that the time when I had to consider offending an icelandic as a carreer ending move is long gone as is the time when I could be told by someone from your Island what and what not to do or say.

So dear bird2008. If you don't like my post, report it to the moderator and let them decide how much facts I have behind what you so nicely put as matters I don't know anything about.