View Full Version : Jet2 Recruiting

buzz boy
18th Dec 2008, 17:27
see jet2 are recruiting for fixed term contract pilots. Anyone know what the deal is? how long? rates of pay etc? thanx

Jobs.Jet2.com (http://jobs.jet2.com/job.php?j=182)

18th Dec 2008, 17:57
Keeping my fingers crossed for all the guys out there looking. Wish them well

Ivan aromer
18th Dec 2008, 18:27
Dont think the advertised terms are still current!
My contacts tell me the leave policy has recently been downgraded and imposed on a "take it or leave it" basis.
Nice one jet2!

no sponsor
18th Dec 2008, 18:59
I really hope this gives opportunities to those who need it.

Jet2 is a good place to work. The crews are friendly and it is generally a happy place to be. There have been issues with the implementation of rostering for the summer - but rather the way it was implemented caused the problems.

I don't know the bases which are on offer, but Leeds is the biggest and busiest. We have bases in Blackpool (737), LBA (737 & 757), MAN (737 & 757), Newcastle (737 & 757), Edinburgh (737), STN (737), BFS(737) and EXT (737F) (but only 1 crew there, so no openings).

No nutter Germans please (non-nutter Germans are welcome, however).

18th Dec 2008, 20:26
Seems the application link is knackered.:ugh:

18th Dec 2008, 20:48
Hope just knackered and not "removed".
One swallow doesn't equal springtime, but if they are really recruiting at least a tiny little bit of good news in the unremitting gloom, T's & C's can be taken care of when things get better guys, at least be happy if a few new jobs are offered.

19th Dec 2008, 01:15
Haha think I might know the German link!

Recruitment page mentions they're interviewing in January.

Callsign Kilo
19th Dec 2008, 10:31
Best of luck, especially to all the guys ex - XL, Zoom, Silverjet, Flightline and EAC (plus others) who haven't found employment. I really hope its a bit of light at the end of the tunnel for them.

Bahee 96
19th Dec 2008, 10:42
I Would Sooner Shot Myself Than Work For Jet 2

19th Dec 2008, 10:54
Thank you for that helpful posting Bahee 96. I think we'd rather SHOOT ourselves in our feet than have you work for us.

flying macaco
19th Dec 2008, 11:28
Any reasoning behind the comment Bahee 96? Or just suicidal in general?

19th Dec 2008, 13:18
Bahee 96,

You ballbag! What an absolutely ridiculous comment to make. Its a job, flying jets, which pays (or helps to pay) the bills.

Do us a favour, let your balls drop & grow up before posting back on here!

19th Dec 2008, 14:33
I recently did a OPC with a guy from jet2, from his character and what he said about the place it does sound good. Good luck to those applying, particularly those who lost their jobs recently...:ok:


19th Dec 2008, 16:08
Not been funny but, after 3 months out of work i just need a job at the moment.

19th Dec 2008, 18:38
bahee96 quote"I Would Sooner Shot Myself Than Work For Jet 2 "

did you get the job with BA then? coz you sure showed a crap attitude on the BA recruitment thread as well!


19th Dec 2008, 19:06
Bahee your right, they made me do 4 days work last month and made me take the cash too!!!

All this with Xmas to organise, children to thrash etc. How will i cope:rolleyes:

20th Dec 2008, 06:32
so J2 jox, are there any openings and whats the link please. I couldnt find it:eek:

buzz boy
20th Dec 2008, 09:59
Fred, the link is below my first post at the top of this thread!

Does anyone know how long the contract will be for and if there will be any chance of a perm contract in te future?

20th Dec 2008, 18:31
I just hope it isn't a 'fishing expedition' on the part of Jet2?! Surely they must be swamped with applications after the recent problems with other airlines?

Over the years so many operators have 'tested' the market in this way.

Hopefully those 'in the know' will determine the validity of the recruitment process.


FOK :)

28th Dec 2008, 18:17
tonker how come you had to work 4 days ? its a great airline with nice crews and the t and Cs are fine as long as there paying me ,and after all its philips trainset. im very happy to have a job in these shakey times and i cant think of another airline id rather work for ,

King Halibut
28th Dec 2008, 22:35
Cloudscarer 'and the t and Cs are fine'! Are you Phillip Meekon?

29th Dec 2008, 10:35
Cloudscarer i was being ironic:rolleyes:

29th Dec 2008, 16:23

I agree with u in that a job at the moment is important "no airline u would rather work for"..................OH MY Jet2 is an appalling place to work esp at the moment and always will be, run by absolute cretins, senior and pilot management. If that is ur observation and all u aspire to in the aviaition world, then that is more depressing than the recession itself.

29th Dec 2008, 16:35
all i can say CPML is thank god you pi**ed off to the worlds favorite ! you and that attitude are not missed.

Count Bawbag
29th Dec 2008, 17:16
Oooooooooooooh, 757flyer ... get you and your handbag!

29th Dec 2008, 17:39
Hi Buzz Boy,

I have been at Jet2 about a year now and so far so good. Sure like most airlines there are things that could be improved, but i have found most people friendly and the rostering and crewing bods are human! (unlike my previous mob!!)

I think Jet2 is well placed to weather out the credit crunch storm that we are in, alot of work has been picked up recently and so I think the future looks reasonable.

As to your questions regarding how long the contract is or what the pay is like for contractors i have no idea. I suspect that Jet2 are hedging their bets and may look to extend or make perm contracts (for pilots) if the business improves (not heard this just my opinion).

Good luck with your application . BP.

29th Dec 2008, 18:30
tonker...as was I !!:)

buzz boy
30th Dec 2008, 20:39
anyone been called to interview yet?

31st Dec 2008, 13:44
I am trying to apply online but I need to have a National Insurance or National Identity card number to continue.

I am not British so not sure what they want. Can someone help ?

Thanks :)

no sponsor
31st Dec 2008, 15:06
If you have the right to work in the UK, you can go to an employment office and get a NI number issued. If you don't, then you can't.

Kirks gusset
31st Dec 2008, 17:30
I had a call out of the blue two days ago saying intreviews may be early part of Jan if that helps. I updated my CV about Feb 2008! Happy New Year

757 Speedbrakes
1st Jan 2009, 13:01
Out of interest and if you don't mind, may I ask which fleet??

Kirks gusset
1st Jan 2009, 13:24
Indications were that it was 757 fleet, I'm rated on both, not that that means much these days!

5th Jan 2009, 13:59
I tried my luck.... but no joy turned down for an interview today. They wouldn't give any feedback due to high volume of applicants.
For your info my limited experience is:
410hrs on 757, fairly current too
1035hrs TT

Best of luck to the rest of you


Dr Eckener
8th Jan 2009, 08:26
Turned down also. 1000+ hrs 737 and 3000+ total.

Count Bawbag
8th Jan 2009, 10:08
Perhaps they're not serious then? Maybe they've found a new way of operating a 757 or 737 with 1.3 people? Sooper efficient or what?

Seriously though, I wish bods going for a job with Jet2 the best of luck. The guys you fly with and cabin crew are a good bunch. There's new and crap destinations that will surprise and wow future employers but it's all character building stuff.

no sponsor
8th Jan 2009, 13:17
They're definitely serious. However, general view is that we will be under-crewed during the coming summer. To what extent, and as to what will transpire when it is obvious that the required roster needs many more than currently present remains to be seen.

I spoke with someone very much higher than my payscale, and the consensus of potential difference between current numbers and those required to fly the summer program was a very large figure.

Bam Thwok
8th Jan 2009, 15:51
I spoke with someone very much higher than my payscale, and the consensus of potential difference between current numbers and those required to fly the summer program was a very large figure.

That "large figure" wouldn't happen to be around the number of summer contractors we had last year, would it ???

757 Speedbrakes
8th Jan 2009, 20:41
Probably need more!! There are more routes planned for S09 than there was 08.

With the addition of Sharm et al, that will also place a greater no of staff on longer rest periods.

At one point over x-mas, with all the extra chaters, someone in Crewing told me there was NO stanby cover ANYWHERE that day for 757 Captains!!!! .............. and we're supposed to work the summer with the same crew ?? :ugh:

Still, I will be glad of the extra hours and could certainly do with the pay (who couldn't) , but we can only work what is legal...........

Good luck to all who have applied and I wish you even more luck if you end up having to fly with me!! :eek:

8th Jan 2009, 20:48
Quote: Good luck to all who have applied and I wish you even more luck if you end up having to fly with me!!

How very true 757speedbrakes :E:E:E

hope all is well mate

757 Speedbrakes
9th Jan 2009, 10:43
Thats it, I'm changing my user name from now on!! :oh:

fade to grey
9th Jan 2009, 11:49
That link seems knackered on the jobs website.....
have they finished now ?

9th Jan 2009, 12:04
Think yourself lucky 757speedbrakes, I had to put up with BP on nightstops and in a turboprop!

9th Jan 2009, 13:57
you loved it ! :p

Phil Sick
9th Jan 2009, 23:27
Applied for FO job about two weeks ago and received an outright rejection by e-mail within 48 hours.
Total time 4600 hrs, 1100 of them on 757/767.
Can anyone who has received a positive reply shed any light on experience levels required?

9th Jan 2009, 23:44
Rejected too, based on what's been written so far I reckon its maybe down to flight school attended, the market is flooded with 757/767 bods so maybe even higher totals than whats been posted, or plenty of mates recommended from ex XL/Silverjet/Zoom pilots now with Jet2.

10th Jan 2009, 20:42
I'm guessing the rejections were via email?
I applied before crimbo and not heard a jot! (737).

757 Speedbrakes
11th Jan 2009, 09:42
I've been told the volumes of applications are vast and I know those who are doing the selection process have said there are many impressive CV's and wish they could offer jobs to most.

I have no idea how many positions are available or for which fleet but again, good luck to all.

14th Jan 2009, 11:40
Anyone had an interview yet? (737)
I've got one coming up and any current info on what to expect would be greatly appreciated....PM if you like.
Thanks in advance.

16th Jan 2009, 21:27
Got an interview lined up myself (nr end of jan). Anyone know what they're £offering

King Halibut
17th Jan 2009, 20:28
You'll get nothing and like it :}

17th Jan 2009, 21:00
"PM if you like "

Would that be pun intended?:ok:

18th Jan 2009, 13:53
:D:D:D No pun intended...but i now see it....Flash........................Bang:ugh:

King Halibut
18th Jan 2009, 15:13
Anyone know how many have interviews and what type?
How many jobs are there going at J2?

Mr Angry from Purley
19th Jan 2009, 17:09
Phil Sick, it was your name that put em off :\

Phil Elder
19th Jan 2009, 17:13
Does anybody know if they are looking for non type rated pilots? If So do you have any other contacts? as i ve tried the company website route for non type rated but no response?!

Cheers guys

19th Jan 2009, 17:17
type rated only i am afraid.

20th Jan 2009, 18:18
It would also appear:

15,000 total time
1st time passes in every exam ever sat
& halo

Too many pilots all better qualified than me .... bugger those Greedy Bankers. You lot try to chare me £1 for using an ATM and I'm turning militant on your ass.

no sponsor
21st Jan 2009, 16:25
20,000hrs please, plus P1 time in both the Apollo and Shuttle programs.


21st Jan 2009, 18:27
Got an interview with a 2000hrs 73 rated with 1500 on type. So they 're not asking for too much.

Count Bawbag
21st Jan 2009, 18:40
Still want to know how many they're taking on!

22nd Jan 2009, 18:12
Not a newsflash but FlyLAL went bust on the 17th, just another load of pilots with EU passports out there rated on the 737 and 757/767 to add to the few already sniffing for a job.

no sponsor
22nd Jan 2009, 18:25
Jet2 got burnt last summer with quite a few non-UK pilots upping sticks and moving at a moments notice (less than 24hrs) back to their home countries for 'better' jobs.

I would suspect, but I don't know, that there will be a view that if you actually live near one of the bases, you are probably a better bet to stay with the airline in the longer term. In addition, all the contractors we had continually complained that the exchange rate between the pound and euro put them off working any longer in the UK.

22nd Jan 2009, 20:44
I understand almost all recruitment is for 737.

mad manc man
23rd Jan 2009, 08:45
Still want to know how many they're taking on!

I don't think they know themselves. Things still very wishy washy at the moment. Commercial will ultimately dictate the ammount of vacancies, if any!!!

Interviews I believe will/have be/been conducted to ascertain 'whats out there'. Some very experienced guys by all accounts, so good luck to you all, and here'e to a busy Summer:ok:

no sponsor
23rd Jan 2009, 19:57
NH is no longer with Jet2.

freightdoggy dog
24th Jan 2009, 07:15

If you are a contractor YOU will always go where the money/conditions are percieved to be better, at short notice. Likewise when the market turns the company will get rid of you as soon as possible.

As No Sponsor has pointed out, NH is no longer with J2, in fact he was not in LFFH for over a year due to personal reasons, which is why e-mails/calls were not answered. Why didn't you contact the fleet capt/ flt ops manager instead ?

NH was a good guy... lay off

24th Jan 2009, 10:02
agreed, NH was a good guy, certainly helped me when i joined J2, if he does read this i wish him all the best in whatever he is doing now.

Good luck to all that are applying.

mad manc man
24th Jan 2009, 10:14
agreed, NH was a good guy, certainly helped me when i joined J2, if he does read this i wish him all the best in whatever he is doing now.

Good luck to all that are applying.

I echo that, one of the good guys. He had his hands full with regards to recruiting. Don't kid yourself Stefan, NH probably was in the dark as much as you were.

All the best N, pleasure knowing you.:ok:

Lemon Drop Kid
30th Jan 2009, 01:57
Recently got the rejection email "after careful consideration your application will not be progressed further...".

I only have 7000 hours on 767, TRI and TRE experience. Interesting to know what they really want for a summer contract!


30th Jan 2009, 07:59
A 737 type rating:}

30th Jan 2009, 09:06
Its not straightforward working out HR. I have nearly 4000hrs including 2000 plus on the 737 (inc some command time) and live close to their main base. If I got in I could see myself staying for my career. My application has been 'under consideration' since I got it in (on just about the first day they started to recruit). Meantime I know that they have offered interviews to guys with half the hrs, who live on the other side of the country. ?

30th Jan 2009, 09:41
Perhaps they found some juicy applicants agreeing to cut their salaries in half or pay for a command upgrade when the time comes?

If you're an airline manager, now's the time to start squeezing some balls. "Don't like it, fook off to another airline then. Oh wait... nobody's hiring eh." :E

King Halibut
30th Jan 2009, 14:36
Gnirren :}

Brill, I like it. You know em so well :}

Little Miss
4th Feb 2009, 22:01
Just so you guys know, some people have received rejection emails from Jet2 after the interview process.

Fingers crossed for those of you who haven t received one yet.

5th Feb 2009, 08:56
Sadly the guys joining may miss the GREAT DEAL FRIENDLIER H/R bull**** bonanza :yuk:
I myself feel a 'Great Deal Friendlier' towards the Jet2 management after announcing a huge increase in their profits whilst at the same time decimating all our terms and conditions.

Summer bookings are up so we'll do well and are in a very good position!

Still, good luck to people joining. It's a job at the end of the day.

24th Feb 2009, 15:24
I have an interview coming up for a position on the 757. Any ideas what the latest batch faced at interview?? Cheers in advance.

28th May 2009, 15:31
I was just scanning through the Jet2 website and the part about self sponsored 737 & 757 ratings. Did I understand correctly that they repay your type rating cost over the 3 years ? Is this in addition to the basic salary ?
