View Full Version : The computer gods are agin me

Loose rivets
4th Nov 2008, 21:13
XP Pro SP3 All working well. Suddenly my old Word Perfect is playing up again. All was going well, but now it starts, flashes open on the screen and closes again all withing half a second. The open bit is practically subliminal.

I have removed AVG - for more than one reason, but this has not helped.

I haven't tried to reinstall the soft yet...that's the next thing unless someone can think of something.

5th Nov 2008, 01:46
Check for entries in the event log - there is usually a clue there.

Loose rivets
5th Nov 2008, 03:01
Thanks for that.

One of the lines from some days ago shows properties saying words to the effect that bits of it were successfully uninstalled.

Sounds like the kind of 'success' I'm having these days.:}

Well, Douglass Adams was right...it goes to show the Interconnectiveness of All Things.