View Full Version : Help, My mouse is being selfish

1st Nov 2008, 11:47
Assistance requested one and all please.
When I place my mouse over a thread title it no longer causes the first line or so of the threads script to appear any more. I liked being able to take a quick look at the thread first so that I could apply the sh*t-filter rather that having to open the whole thing up:ugh:

Can I re-train mousey to share again?:{

1st Nov 2008, 11:48
Check you are logged in..

green granite
1st Nov 2008, 12:45
Try giving it More cheese. :E

1st Nov 2008, 12:52
Try giving it More cheese. :E

Tut tut, bad for mouse cholesterol.

Loose rivets
1st Nov 2008, 20:18
Oooooooooooh, it's your pre-judgment punishment.

A lot of wise things have followed a :mad: preamble. Just think what your mouse is doing for you...perhaps saving you missing something profound. :rolleyes:

Cabin Safety
2nd Nov 2008, 15:08
I don't think it's the mouse problem !
it's Probably the TRAP :p ..I mean the browser settings..check those settings.