View Full Version : One last bash at the 3170

Loose rivets
30th Oct 2008, 06:07
Epson dedicated scanner that is...and it seems like it's failed. The bash that is.

Anyway, does anyone know if the 'retina' (just visible in the photo in link) has to be aligned perfectly with the lens.

It goes through the motions now, lighting up and re-datumizing, but will not 'Warm Up'. Then the light starts flashing red.

Anyone know just what warms up?

What's strange is that the board on the optical head with the 'retina' on it, does not have a defined seating in the plastic molding. It could be anywhere within 4mm ver or horiz.... I wondered if not being aligned might make it instruct itself not to show warmed up. What's more, it's the only thing held with nuts and bolts. So unusual to just float in position before tightening.

The link is a couple too far down. Pic is up.


green granite
30th Oct 2008, 07:21
I had an Epson scanner, don't know if it's the same one or not. Mine occasionally would not warm up and all I had to do was thoroughly clean the narrow strip of glass at the back of the scanner bed.

30th Oct 2008, 07:57
Anyone know just what warms up?

The light circuit, to assure stable color temperature. That particular printer takes almost as much power just sitting there as it does scanning.

Red flashing light indicates
(a) transportation lock in the "locked" position
(b) USB communication error
(c) everything else, including a bad light/bad connection.

(b) is the biggie.

Loose rivets
30th Oct 2008, 16:37
I did check over the optics with me little camera brush. The inside of the main plate was indeed hazy when I got it. This was a "Refurbished" and didn't get like that here...I keep printers, scanners etc., covered most of the time.

So much for their idea of refurbishment.

Transportation lock still lying in the parts hopper. No associated switchery.

USB lead. Well, they do say use only the supplied lead. I have to confess that I'd forgotten which came with it. They (3) are all from Epson and I've swapped them around. But it has me thinking. However, the Epson soft shows "Warming Up.".

I have a bad feeling that it will fall under your cat C.

What would be horrible is if the 'retina' has to be perfectly aligned. They would do it on some sort of set-up machine, while I try and test till summit happens. If I had to put the cover on each time to get the lights temp up...Ug! That would be as bad as the hours I spent putting the head-tabs back on the drum of an early video recorder. Well, they cost a month's wages then.

Financially, I would be well served to jump up and down on it. That would ensure no more time wasted. Mmmm...with me, I'm not so sure even that would stop me having 'Just another try before I dump it.'

Loose rivets
30th Oct 2008, 17:02
Well, between the two of your kind replies, I started to think my last comment was perhaps more germane than I'd really intended. The warming up issue meaning the glass had to be on top to get the reflectivity.

Late last night, I had set the board to as near to centre as I could gestimate, and it was no different. So, just now, I put the cover on and the darn thing goes!

A bit too soon to go Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! perhaps, because I've had the ribbon out twice to check the continuities. They don't like being messed with, so I hope it will survive.

Anyway, thanks again and keeping fingers crossed.