View Full Version : Sterling (merged)

bla bla
23rd Oct 2008, 07:04
Was told by ramp personel in Stockholm yesterday that Sterling crew is paying fuel cash? Any truth in this (asking because friends have bought tickets with them :confused:

23rd Oct 2008, 07:50
Unfortunately bad news may be looming Stoppet salget av Sterling-billetter - Aftenposten Reise (http://www.aftenposten.no/reise/nyheter/article2726671.ece)

Sterlings "owner" Northern Travel Holding, "owned" or "owed" by the Icelandic Fons is widely believed to be on the brink of collapse. It was very much involved in several Icelandic companies which have either folded or are in trouble, such as Glitnir Bank and Stodir/FL Group.

NTH also owns Iceland Express, part of Astraeus etc. Sincere hopes for Sterling staff that a saviour comes along. I have no special hopes for NTH/Fons. Those people have dug their own grave.

23rd Oct 2008, 10:45
Lets hope they can make it through the winter and once summer comes they have bigger chance to survive.

23rd Oct 2008, 17:55
Was told by ramp personel in Stockholm yesterday that Sterling crew is paying fuel cash?

-That is bullocks my friends:=

Close to bankrupcy or not? I dont know, but I´ll guess that at least one other scandinavian operator:mad: will stumble and fall ahead of sterling

23rd Oct 2008, 20:45

Interesting conclusion, care to elaborate, or are you also just throwing ideas around for our consideration.

(I think that maybe, perhaps at least one other European airline will stumble and fall ahead of Sterling......) in reality I don´t have a clue but I won´t let that get in the way of a rumour.;) "Not paperdragons quote but mine."

24th Oct 2008, 00:11
Well, a potential sale is being discussed. epn.dk - Kriseramt Sterling tæt på salg (http://epn.dk/handel_service/transport_logistik/article1493859.ece)

Its in Danish, from Jyllands-Posten. I hope for the sake of Sterling and its employees that something comes out of it.

Jr. Ewing
24th Oct 2008, 20:54
So who's the potential buyer? SAS, Finnair and Norwegian all denied today that they're involved....:hmm::hmm:

24th Oct 2008, 21:01
The only potential buyer for Sterling would be DY. Not because the airline in itself is worth anything, but simply because DY´s management are ****ting themselves with the very thought of a certain yellow/blue army invading CPH Swift from 2009, and with Sterling gone within the next week(and it WILL happen), CPH will be up for grasp....:D:D:D

25th Oct 2008, 09:00
NAS is not interested. CPH is a too small market and will shrimp further.

Sterling has nothing to sell. Sad but true.

25th Oct 2008, 09:16
Dovregubben, shrimp??? :}

25th Oct 2008, 11:07
There's, um, shrimp kebabs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried. There's pineapple shrimp and lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich... That's, that's about it. :ok:

"Sterling shrimp" didn't sell, which is why they might be out of business soon...

25th Oct 2008, 11:46
I can´t see who would be interested in buying Sterling, what do they have to sell, the only thing they excell at is bad management.

They claim to be in talks with several interested parties, but I would think that this is just a statement to attract interest.

It may just be a lie, I guess that in big business it is called spin.

Interesting to note that less than 2 week ago they denied that they were up for sale, then about a week ago they were interested in bringing in an investor and now they are actually for sale, things happen quickly in aviation.

Again, what do they have to sell????

All the aircraft are leased, headquater is leased, maintenance is subcontracted, any airline can start flying on the same routes if they want to, they have a bunch of pilots who are still split in two groups because of seniority problems, they have issues with their unions etc, etc...

They have an owner who claims to have 6 billion kroner at his disposal, and only a few months ago he said that he would be behind Sterling all the way, now it seems that he is behind them allright, he is just running in the other direction.

It is funny to see how they react when they get bad press, such as now when they can not understand that travel agents are keeping an eye on them, they seem to imply that this is what causes them all the trouble.

They have been dumping prices on many routes for a long time, on some they have been giving away free tickets, all you had to pay was the airport taxes, and then they cry "price dumping" when SAS increases capacity on routes to and from Bergen, which forces Sterling to pull out of Bergen.

Waiting to see who will be foolish enough to buy into this.

Off to have a shrimp cocktail....!!!!!!

25th Oct 2008, 15:24
Crossunder: Absolutely hilarious! Haven't laughed this much in a long time! Cheers!

As far as Sterling goes: We've heard this b4... But Palmi's entry raised a few eyebrows and especially since he, as always, forgot to take his "humble-pill-of-the-day" and once again Sterling would rise from the ashes and become a leader, strong and proud, with endless supply of benjamins 'n good spirits... oooooops... I suppose the combination of negative factors might acutally put the kill on the dane this time. Potential buyers? SAS? Never! Ryanair? Not their thing. EZ? Hmmm... probably not but not completely out of character. NAS? Can they afford it? Guess it depends on the tag: 1billion DK... might start to look interesting. I suspect that they will be sold to an icelandic investor, or maybe GSS, Riverdon, Astraeus or some other sneaky hobbits from the dark side of the mountains. Time will tell...

Good luck to all the cranky danes!

25th Oct 2008, 19:57

Astraeus and Sterling are owned by the same company - NTH; travel/leisure division of FONS (Icelandic Investment Group).

I would imagine that FONS is looking for a co-investor to spread the risk, as them 'getting out' isn't an option if the rumour that large amounts of Sterling debt is secured/guarenteed by FONS is to be believed. If true, Sterling falling would mean a severe impact on their investors, aside from the Icelandic financial crisis.

Still, what do I know?:confused:

I doubt it will vanish quite as quickly as some here are making out, although it is fair to say that a Ryanair aircraft parked alonside a Sterling aircraft would probably be the final nail.

25th Oct 2008, 20:57
OK, I stand corrected! Agree that it is highly unpropable that they will vanish quickly! They've been around for some time, good brand and well-known. Hope the investors are serious!

27th Oct 2008, 06:34
News of Sterling for sale (In English) (http://tinyurl.com/58by6e)

Good Luck to all involved. Whatever Happens.

My "guess" is for a tie up with SkyEurope via investment from York Capital.

. . . or for something more exotic, a merger with an Australian LCC, just so they can share fleet and have A/C in the right place for each hemispheres summertime.

27th Oct 2008, 06:41
All the aircraft are leased, headquater is leased, maintenance is subcontracted, any airline can start flying on the same routes if they want to, they have a bunch of pilots who are still split in two groups because of seniority problems, they have issues with their unions etc, etc...

Aircraft leased - Not important if the lease is at good price, also leasing now proivides more opportunity to scale down in credit crisis or to acquire new A/C at bargain prices as other airlines fail.

HQ leased - again not important if rent is low, also makes it more attractive to another airline to buy as they can shift the HQ to Luton or wherever ;)

Maintenance subcontracted - again makes sense, business wise due to flexibility and also for a buyer if they already have the facilities and can get better utilisation in their new enlarged business.

Unions - no comment

27th Oct 2008, 08:24
The Peacock,

I agree totally, perhaps I didn`t make my point clear enough.

There is nothing to buy, this would reflect on the saleprice.

The only thing they have for sale is the brand and crew, and believe me, their brand isn`t all that popular in Denmark, every other month Sterling has a representative on national TV trying to explain why they have such lousy costumer service etc.

Less than six month ago Sterling was valued at O "ZERO" danish kroner, this was before the global financial crisis.

I wonder just how much it is worth today????

Best regards,

27th Oct 2008, 09:34
I like the post about cheap lease cost. Last time I flew with Sterling the little metal plate stating the owner still said Maersk. Anyway, was that an Islandic zero?

27th Oct 2008, 14:43
Curried Shrimp

Cloud surfer
29th Oct 2008, 04:03
Sterling no longer on the brink of bankruptcy. Sterling bankrupt.


Sympathies to all affected.

29th Oct 2008, 04:05
Read on their homepage the letter of apology to customers and staff, tragic that this has happened. Feel sorry for all of my friends that work there.

29th Oct 2008, 07:32
VERY TRAGIC, for all those losing their jobs.

Two good airlines (Sterling & Maersk Air) f**cked over by pompous Islandic "&%/?"! investors.

Over the last 3 years the Airline has changed owner numerous times in a pyramid scheme raising its value fictitiously.

All the best to all the employees.

I am afraid I can`t wish the same for management.

Bengt Engel
29th Oct 2008, 09:42
my sympathies to all affected.

not management.

29th Oct 2008, 14:22
Hell, i should start making money on predicting the future. See my post nr 8 and watch the press conference at 1700 CPH Hilton, DY taking over Sterling and making a new base in CPH, hate to tell you i told you so Govregubben...

29th Oct 2008, 14:48
I think we all saw this take-over coming. It was just a matter of time really. Why buy something which is about to collapse when you can get it thrown after you after the fact? Dog eat dog. Eat cat too. :yuk:

29th Oct 2008, 15:35
Seem like Norwegian.no is the one that cover up for Sterling flying home stranded passenger, like Sterling did with Flyme...

29th Oct 2008, 15:38
Sad ...Stirling have been taken many freezing danes (including me) to the south even as far as Sri Lanka, for ages. As far as I remember it was started by mr. Krogager, a charismatic priest of the Danish Chucrh as Tjæreborg Rejser, more or less as a hobby venture in the early 60'ties. It eventually became one of the top players in the charter buisness (together with Spies/Conair) during the next 25 years. Lately emerged as a low fare company and the fiscal deroute started. Many pax now have some uncertain hours around the destinations...... Who' nexts ?

Latest news is that Norwegian is interested in the leftovers ..

29th Oct 2008, 15:48
Fra dr.dk:

Selskaber i kø for at hjælpe Sterlingkunder

29. okt. 2008 15.49 Penge Opdat.: 29. okt. 2008 16.17Det vælter ind med velmenende tilbud til strandede Sterlingkunder, der ellers stod til at være overladt til egen skæbne i udlandet.
Flyselskabet SAS udvider nu tilbuddet om hjælp til Sterlingkunder til også at gælde for de ruter mellem Spanien og Skandinavien, som selskabet Spanair dækker.

Skatter og afgifter

Også flyselskabet easyJet tilbyder at hjælpe Sterlingkunder på Sterlings ruter mellem København og Milano, London og Berlin. Her kræver de dog, at man betaler de ca. 330 kroner, det koster i skatter og afgifter og bagagetransport.
Rejsearrangøren MyTravel tilbyder egne kunder, der normalt ikke ville kunne få penge refunderet, fordi de kun har købt en flybillet, at de kan komme hjem fra udlandet med et af selskabets andre flyselskaber.
Tilbuddet gælder også for kunder, der endnu ikke er rejst ud, og som derfor under normale omstændigheder ville have mistet deres penge.

Også hjem med skib

Men det er ikke kun flyselskaber, der står i kø for at hjælpe. Også DFDS Seaways tilbyder, at danskere med flybillet til Sterling, kan tage færgen hjem fra Harwich eller Oslo.
Tilbuddet træder i kraft med øjeblikkelig varsel og løber frem til 6. november. Det gælder også for Nordmænd og Englændere med billet den modsatte vej.
Flere forsikringsselskaber har også taget spenderebukserne på. Således vil Codan sørge for, at deres kunder kan komme hjem. Det samme vil rejseforsikringsselskabet IHI, der også sørger for overnatning, hvis det bliver nødvendigt.

29th Oct 2008, 17:37
NAS tar ikke over Sterling eller noen del av konkursboet.

NAS begynner å fly noen ruter Sterling har trafikkert, det er det hele. I følge Kjos ble alle rutene og CPH basen planlangt natt til i dag, i tidsrommet mellom kl 03 og 05 :hmm:, for å avfeie enhver mistanke om varslet konkurs og ulik behandling av samarbeidspartnere og kreditorer i Sterling.

29th Oct 2008, 19:07
Noen som vet hvor mange fly og hvor mange flyvere som var igjen i Sterling før konkursen?

29th Oct 2008, 20:32
Vikingdk, you was wrong and continue to be so.

NAS is picking up some of the production, maybe employing a number of flying personell.

That's all.

NB is bakrupt and 1200+ employees are on the street.


29th Oct 2008, 20:58
B737 av varierande slag = 25st som går under deras AOC. En av dem tillhör deras "isländska" del och en opereras åt Titan.
Vet inte hur många piloter som berörs, men tippar på 3-400st om man ska gå på antalet flyg.

30th Oct 2008, 06:57
I am sorry to hear that so many people are out of a job again. Hope for blue skies and that something comes along.

AAI has been paying employees and contractors late for the last few months. So far the pay has been in and in full but the last one over 2 weeks late.
Cash flow problems sited and the Saudis notorious for not paying in time. This even as AAI receives most of its income in USD and a big chunk of employees paid in ISK reducing the overall employee costs. Not a good sign as to what is coming, time to lift the clutch I think.
Air Atlanta was purchased by management from the Avion Group that at one point owned the Excel Leisure Group. How was the company financed, where the loans in USD from Icelandic banks or from abroad? Is this why the pay is late? Banks can't finance the show anymore?

Looking at the economical situation in Iceland it just makes one wonder how anything commercial that has been financed from Iceland or anything to do with Iceland can survive?

Both Excel and Sterling are now out of business, one could say let down by their owners what is next? I am afraid that this will probably go much deeper than just aviation investments of the Icelandic so called "Business men". Watch out for large holdings owned by these people in and out of Europe. We have not seen the end of the Icelandic Economic disaster and the implications around the world yet.

What I really find surprising is that the Icelandic premier runs around the Nordic looking for more billions to cover for the stupidity they have started and a helping hand. Join EU and Euro. Yes now that things are really bad this is the life boat. Not so dear chaps, EU has enough poor countries to feed and help. No need for an Icebabwe. Get your act together and then perhaps.

It is a bit like I would run up a credit card bill on MC, pay that with Visa then pay the Visa bill with Amex and so forth until the limit comes. Then visit my neighbours asking them to pay my bills and credit card bills.

I am equally surprised about the lack of discussion about bringing those "Business men" in Iceland responsible for the chaos created by their total and utter mismanagement of funds into criminal justice and accountable for their actions.
This crisis has reached the magnitude and scale reaching far outside Iceland that the people in Iceland and their government should take severe measures to seek out and punish those responsible. If Iceland is unwilling to do that, then other governmets should take action against the culprits and their property.

30th Oct 2008, 07:35
Can i ask whats happening in AAI at the moment?. Does the world financial crisis influence aai in a great way? Are they hireing again soon. Is it a ok place to be? Lets just hope good things come along for those hundreds of people that lost their job in sterling!!!!

30th Oct 2008, 09:42
Jeg viste Sterling hadde 150 piloter

30th Oct 2008, 21:16
DY moving in, setting up a new base with 8-10 aircraft and launching 11 new routes and thats a decision taken in the middle of the night before Sterling going bust, give me a break, how naive can you be.
All things set aside, its very good news for all the Danish boys and girls abroad, CPH base with a very fine company, I`ll bet there will be some stiff competition getting a seat there....:ok:

31st Oct 2008, 14:57
Seems to me you are the only one who has picked up there is more than one way to buy a company. No Maersk versus Reds bulls#@t for the new owner and no union crap either. You are right about another thing too...those seats are reserved.
What a clever little Dane you are! Almost as bright as the Icelandic and the Norwegian.

31st Oct 2008, 18:18
Stiff competition indeed! Especially since there are a few danes and also Swedes who will grasp the oppportunity to come closer to home! The Sterling-group can probably look forward to a Oslo-base!

1st Nov 2008, 09:50
Sterling kan være i luften igjen i neste uke - Aftenposten Reise (http://www.aftenposten.no/reise/nyheter/article2746226.ece)

comments? Only available in norwegian, sorry.

1st Nov 2008, 10:49
Well, firstly they'll have to do som serious promoting and try to reassure the public that "THIS time, we really ARE gonna make it...". Secondly, they will have to face increased competition from SAS, DY and Easy - all of whom are already selling tickets on Sterlings (previously) profitable routes.

I think they're just beating a dead horse, and that the mysterious buyer(s) must really be a high roller...

1st Nov 2008, 10:53
Below you will find the same info in danish.

But please do us all a favour, if ever Sterling is revived, DO NOT call it Sterling again. The brand is tarnished, what dane or scandinavian will go and buy a ticket from Sterling again in the near future.
Also, as long as you call it Sterling you will never get rid of the internal rivalry between the two former sterling groups. Ex ex Sterling crew will ALWAYS think that this is "their" company that is continuing, and that this whole affair was orchestrated so that they would prevail.:yuk:
I for one will do my best to miss any re-runs of the silly soap opera that is Sterling.


Sterling på vej i luften igen
Offentliggjort 01.11.08 kl. 07:28
Flere interesserede købere forhandler med kurator om at reetablere Sterling.

En redningsplan for det konkursramte lavprisselskab Sterling er i disse dage ved at blive gjort klar af kuratoren bag konkursboet.

Flere interesserede købere, som før konkursen gav bud på Sterling, er nu tilbage ved forhandlingsbordet.

»Vi har forhandlinger med flere interessenter, og vi arbejder i døgndrift på at få overdraget så meget som muligt af selskabet til en ny ejer,« siger kurator Lisa Bo Larsen fra advokatfirmaet Kromann Reumert.

Det kan betyde, at Sterling allerede i næste uge kommer på vingerne igen. Ifølge Statens Luftfartsvæsen er Sterlings flyvetilladelse, den såkaldte AOC, kun sat i bero:

»Så hvis nogen køber Sterling, får bemandet de centrale poster og beviser, at flyene stadig er luftdygtige, så er det en relativ simpel øvelse at starte selskabet igen,« siger kommunikationschef Thorbjørn Ancker.

Når og hvis Sterlings røde fly kommer i luften igen, bliver det dog som et slankere og mere effektivt flyselskab end det Sterling, som gik konkurs natten til onsdag. Det bliver antageligt et flyselskab med omkring 15 fly, hvor Sterling hidtil har fløjet med op mod 30 fly. Samtidig bliver det kun de mest populære og lukrative ruter, der føres videre.

Ingen forpligtelser
Konkursen betyder, at flyselskabet kan genstartes som et betydeligt lettere selskab, der ikke er tynget af det gamle selskabs forpligtelser. Dels slipper det nye selskab for den trecifrede milliongæld til den islandske hovedaktionær Palmi Haraldsson. Dels kan man sandsynligvis forhandle sig frem til solide rabatter med leverandører, f.eks. de leasingselskaber som ejer flyene.

Endelig slipper et nyt Sterling for at skulle levere rejser til de omkring 250.000 passagerer, som har forudbetalt et trecifret millionbeløb for flybilletter.

»En ny ejer er ikke retsligt forpligtet til at overtage forpligtelsen i forhold til passagerer, med mindre den nye ejer overtager hele selskabet. Hvis passagererne skal gøre sig noget håb, så skal det være fordi den nye ejer vil skabe goodwill,« siger Lars Lindencrone Petersen, partner i Bech Bruun og ekspert i konkursret.

7th Nov 2008, 08:00
Seems Transavia will be coming to Copenhagen next month with 9 new routes....
Should be an interesting fight with Norwegian, Transavia, easyJet and even possibly "Sterling III" all putting SAS under even more pressure.

Article on who has carved up what from Sterling CPH routes :
Airline news from around the world: Transavia to join battle for Copenhagen (http://tinyurl.com/5f25eq)

7th Nov 2008, 16:10
With each day passing I think Sterling III looks more and more unlikely.
Sad for all those employees involved.

Technically it must be Sterling IV.

Sterling Airways, Sterling European, Sterling Airlines and possibly
Sterling III.

If however you are refering to Bankruptcies you are right = Sterling 3

It is going to prove very difficult to sell Sterling as a whole, as it represents no value, and since several other airlines are already selling tickets on old Sterling routes.

Interesting to see how history repeats itself. Sterling did exactly the same when FlyMe went bankrupt.:*

7th Nov 2008, 21:33
I've no doubt that Norwegian have been excellent in the Norwegian market but I don't believe the same can be said about their acquisition of flynordic so I hope for their sake that they learned a lot from that before they try and capture Denmark. Yes they will also need to burn a lot of cash coming up against Transavia (funny they haven't gone back to Copenhagen-Amsterdam which they quit in March due to Sterling).

It will be a loooong winter in Scandinavia but it seems passengers will be getting some good deals in spite of the demise of Sterling III / Sterling IV.

9th Nov 2008, 11:02
Sterling IV... I seriously doubt they'll ever rise again! If a more serious buyer was interested the deal already have been sealed. The leasing companies have already found new operators for ex-Sterling-a/c and the annoucement of Norwegian, EZ and now Transavia will make a potential buyer even more hesitant. No, I'm sorry, but Sterling IV will not be seen in the skies.

10th Nov 2008, 06:39
Dropper kjøpet (http://hangar.no/news/118/ARTICLE/2207/2008-11-09.html)

..not much hope left for those desperately hoping for last-minute resuscitation of their airline.

10th Nov 2008, 09:18
More bad news for Sterling, again only available in Danish.
However this only goes to explain what most of us have known or suspected right from the beginning. Shame on you Palmi and Almar and all of your cousins and extended family.:ugh:

Sterling langt fra redning
Af Peter Suppli Benson
Mandag den 10. november 2008, 05:00
Sterling står ikke alene uden køber – men er også centrum for hårde anklager på Island. Sterling blev angiveligt brugt til at skrue værdien på den tidligere ejer, FL Group, kunstigt op. Sterling blev købt og solgt for lånte penge.
Intet nyt var rigtigt skidt nyt for de håbefulde Sterling-ansatte, som søndag håbede, at der ville være dukket en køber op, som ville overtage det konkursramte lavprisflyselskab Sterling.
Men selvom kuratorerne i Sterling har brugt hele sidste uge til forhandlinger, og selvom de havde forudsagt, at de ville kunne levere et resultat af forhandlingerne søndag, så lykkedes det ikke.
Med en ordknap pressemeddelelse som eneste kommentar måtte kuratorerne sent søndag erkende, at det ikke er lykkedes at finde en køber til resterne af Sterling.
»Et samlet salg af ak tiviteterne er en kompleks transaktion, som kræver stor fleksibilitet og imødekommenhed fra en lang række interessenter, hvis enderne skal mødes, og derfor er forhandlingerne endnu ikke afsluttet, oplyser kuratorerne, advokat Lisa Bo Larsen fra Kromann Reumert, advokat Pernille Bigaard fra Plesner og advokat Søren Fogh fra Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard i en pressemeddelelse, hvor de også slog fast, at de arbejder videre med at finde en køber. Ambitionen er, at man skal redde så mange arbejdspladser i Sterling som muligt.
SAS udvider
Det gode spørgsmål nu er imidlertid, om det reelt er realistisk, at der kommer en ny ejer af Sterling.
Et af de bedste bud, milliardæren Carsten Ree, trak sig allerede fra forhandlingerne for et par dage siden og iagttagere vurderer, at det bliver mere end svært at finde en inter esseret køber efter den seneste uges hændelser.
For ingen af konkurrenterne har ligefrem siddet på hænderne i den forløbne uge. SAS har meldt ud, at de indsætter nye og større fly, de åbner nye ruter – bl.a. på gamle Sterling-ruter, og de udvider beflyvningen på flere andre destinationer.
Allerede i sidste uge kom norske Norwegian på banen med meddelelsen om, at de åbner seks nye ruter ud af København – nærmest som en direkte kopi af det gamle Sterling.
Og siden har også blandt andet hollandsk-franske Transavia meldt sig klar til at gå ind på Sterlings gamle domæne.
Sterling genopstår ikke
De mange nye selskaber, som har ædt sig ind på de gamle Sterling-ruter fik lørdag luftfartsanalytiker Jacob Pedersen fra Sydbank til at advare om, at det nok ikke var realistisk at tro, at Sterling ville genopstå med en ny ejer – og slet ikke en aktør fra luftfartsbranchen.
»Det bliver i den grad op ad bakke for en ny aktør, der vil forsøge at genrejse Sterling. Konkurrenternes mange nye tiltag tyder på, at det ikke bliver en industriel spiller,« sagde Jacob Pedersen lørdag.
Mens de danske advokater har travlt med at rede trådene ud efter konkursen, så kan der snart være masser af arbejde til advokaterne på Island.
Opskruede priser
Det islandske dagblad Morgunbladid, skriver således søndag, at Sterling har været midtpunkt i det, der ligner et avanceret pyramideselskab.
Den islandske avis skriver, at Sterling FL Group, den børsnoterede islandske koncern, der har Jon Asgeir Johannesson som storaktionær, har arbejdet sammen med finansmanden Palmi Haraldsson om at sende ejerskabet af Sterling frem og tilbage mellem FL Group og Palmi Haraldsson.
Det er sket for sikre henholdsvis Palmi Haraldsson og FL Group store overskud ved salgene.
Hver gang Sterling har skiftet hænder, er det sket til opskruede priser, som har fået Palmi Haraldssons regnskaber til at se godt ud og FL Groups aktiekurs til at stige. Men ifølge avisen har handlerne aldrig været reelle og er alene sket via hemmelige lån fra FL Group til Palmi Haraldsson.
Flere islandske ejere
Det er korrekt, at Sterling har skiftet islandske hænder flere gange siden 2005. Dengang overtog Palmi Haraldsson Sterling for første gang – angiveligt for penge, som FL Group først havde sendt til en bankkonto i Luxemburg, kontrolleret af Palmi Haraldsson.
Det var søndag ikke muligt at få kommentarer til historien i Morgunbladid.