View Full Version : BSOD basesrv.dll

gas path
22nd Oct 2008, 09:04
I have a problem with a friends PC. It is a Dell win XP machine.
On boot up as windows loads the dreaded BSOD comes up with a message along the lines of: 'stop....bad image basesrv.dll is not a valiid windows image' and gives the location of the file.
The machine can be restored but obviously it goes back to 'factory settings' and loads up all the other unwanted 'crap' as well. The next time it is started the same thing happens. Virus scans etc etc are all ok.
So my question is, could I just download the dll file onto a memory stick and drag and drop to replace the version currently residing in the win32 folder?

Saab Dastard
22nd Oct 2008, 10:17
could I just download the dll file onto a memory stick and drag and drop to replace the version currently residing in the win32 folder?

Not unless you can boot into XP!

If you can boot into Safe Mode that might work - but bear in mind that there are currently at least 4 versions of that file - so you would need to ensure that you have the correctly matched file.

You should be able to boot into the recovery console - assuming that you have the install disk - and restore the file from the CAB archive. But then you may find that it's actually the SP2 or SP3 version you need. Which you may be able to get from another PC via floppy disk - providing you have a floppy drive - and diskette!

However, there should be a backup of the correct file in the \Windows\Servicepackfiles\i386 folders on the C drive - it might be possible to copy that over.


gas path
22nd Oct 2008, 13:18
Thanks SD. I will take another look when I get a chance. The thing I do not understand is that if I do a restore (from the image hidden on the hard drive) the next time the machine is started it is back to square one:confused:
Could it be that the original file is corrupted?
From what I remember looking at it I can get the file version from the properties.
Oh! and when it was reloaded from the disc 'image' of it trotted to M$ and downloaded all the updates including SP3! So would I need the latest version of the file?
cheers gp

Saab Dastard
22nd Oct 2008, 13:52
You seem able to restore the factory image and start Windows -

it trotted to M$ and downloaded all the updates including SP3!

Perhaps that is the problem! Disconnect it from the internet and turn off automatic updates - there may well be a problem with a patch.

Can you get it to restart off-line in a stable condition? What SP level is the original restored image?

It could also be that the so-called "recovery image" files are corrupted.

You could try contacting Dell and requesting a proper installation disk for XP (preferably with SP2), then doing a proper install.


gas path
22nd Oct 2008, 14:05
Can you get it to restart off-line in a stable condition? What SP level is the original restored image?

Online or offline it doesn't make any difference. If the machine is rebuilt from the image and left alone it works perfectly but once it is actually powered down (OFF) the next start and it is corrupted again.
If it is up and running the normal restart/reboots are all ok (ie after windoze updates etc).
As standard it's XP home and SP2.
cheers gp