View Full Version : cabin crew manager jobs

11th Oct 2008, 06:30
Been flying for 15 years now and would like to move into cabin crew management however i never see any jobs advertised. Does anyone know of anyone recruiting cabin crew management at the moment? Thanks

11th Oct 2008, 07:12
Where do you live?
Educational Background?

11th Oct 2008, 08:04
Hi Flygirl28,

Most airlines these days recruit internally for Managers, unless they don't get any interest or internal candidates don't make or reach the selection criteria, that's when they may look externally.
The only other time is when a new airline/company is starting up......which in the present climate is pretty unlikely!

The best advice is to log on to airlines websites wherever you are, on a regular basis and scan over their careers section.

Good Luck!!:ok:

11th Oct 2008, 09:24
How about a change in height, try looking at Virgin Trains loads of ex airline staff in management grades and quite a few from BA and VS. Good rates of Pay and the chance of promotion is good. Then saying that all the "intercity" rail companies in the uk are keen to recruit from the airlines and you will be surprised how many ex airline crew/management are in uk rail companies... Good luck.....

str8 hostie
8th Nov 2008, 22:34
only apply for a cc mangement job if you A) have a god complex B) love yourself or C)want to be told "here are a set of rules enforce them" DONT DO IT!!!

8th Nov 2008, 23:15
str8 hostie, i would kindly ask you to A) type English in your threads so all of us "low lives" as you put it in another thread could understand, B) having joined a month ago and with 6 posts made this evening, it doesn't make you a rocket scientist who has the right to come around and judge people by their jobs (careers)/ choice of jobs/careers, C) stop putting people down; It is not our policy to do so as human kindness is still amongst the majority of us. Capisci, love?

9th Nov 2008, 09:57
Abusing_the_sky I can see where you are coming from with your comment, but str8 hostie has defined the CCM for easyJet LGW in just 3 little points. :(

9th Nov 2008, 10:07
Sadly, that's the same about everywhere; and that's why i would always encourage people to get into management, maybe things change...
But then again, I am a dreamer:sad: