View Full Version : Flash 5 'advert'

31st Aug 2001, 11:46
The computer I'm using at present does not have Flash 5 loaded and whilst trying to view the pprune forums I keep getting this annoying invitation to download Macromedia Flash 5. Is there some way of cancelling this? it only appears when using pprune.


henry crun
31st Aug 2001, 13:19
This was raised by someone else a little while back.

The easiest thing is to just download the new version and you get no more irritating pop ups.

31st Aug 2001, 18:18
Flash is becoming the replacement for animatied GIF files - loads more functionality and so much easier to create. Shock is now shipping as out of the box standard with XP.

Biggles Flies Undone
31st Aug 2001, 19:05
Nice little bit of freeware if you want to stop those incredibly irritating pop-ups
www.jpsoft.dk/uk/freeware.html (http://www.jpsoft.dk/uk/freeware.html)

Scroll down and look for prog called 'No Pops'

1st Sep 2001, 10:07
Webwasher is also very good. Free for private use.

www.webwasher.com (http://www.webwasher.com)


henry crun
1st Sep 2001, 15:03
Biggles: thanks for that link, it works a treat.

4th Sep 2001, 03:34
I would suggest installing Flash Player, only takes a moment and it is so widely used on sites these days.

Can be downloaded here (http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash)