View Full Version : G-EZJT fl EZY 2051 Geneva today 737-700

19th Sep 2008, 19:09
Any news why we did 2 missed approachs into Geneva and held about 30 kts for his mother on landing very shallow.

Capt Hook
19th Sep 2008, 19:17
Completely understand the bit about 2 missed approaches, but the rest is gibberish! I believe that the ILS is presently out of service on one of the R/W's at GVA and the substitute approach is a Non-Precision approach (no Glide path information) which brings the A/C in at alot steeper angle (approx 4 degrees); this can sometimes lead to the a/c not making the stable approach criteria resulting in a Go-Around; of course there are also many other reasons including the R/W still being occupied etc.....

19th Sep 2008, 19:37
2000 hrs command on type and I can tell hot fast and shallow

19th Sep 2008, 19:44
So, instead of bleating about it on here, why didn't you just go up front after you landed and let the crew know that, in your assessment from the back with your 2000 hours command, their flying didn't come up to your standard?

19th Sep 2008, 19:47
Thanks that makes sense no feedback to the pax from the flightdeck tho as stated I have 2000 hrs on type strange thing was a shallow approach from the north fast and hot onto rwy if ILS out non precision then as you stae would be steep. Inquired later on return only missed approach that day.

19th Sep 2008, 19:49
I asked, no comment from flight deck, OK?

Capt Hook
19th Sep 2008, 19:51
"Hot fast and Shallow" in my experience not a likely combination!

19th Sep 2008, 20:08
Sorry ontherazzle, you could have a 1,000,000hrs on type, I can't see how you can get the perspective correct out of a little side window when you are so used to looking through the front end, it would be totally different. I have positioned as pax on my type before and I haven't got a clue what speed we're doing etc.
Is it really that big a deal that you did 2 go-arounds? being an "experienced captain" yourself you know full well there could have been a myriad of reasons for it, and all in a day's work for a line pilot eh?

19th Sep 2008, 20:13
Ontherazzle was that 2000 hours on Microsoft FS9 or FSX? :{