View Full Version : Mime format

20th May 2001, 16:30
Please help... I have windows 95 on a Compaq Presario V410 and I have received a long email in Mime format and it appears in gibberish. Any idea hoe step by step I reconfiger my computer to read this in English?
I do have acrobat reader installed.
Sorry to be dumb!!!

We will do the drill according to the amendments to the amendments I er think?

20th May 2001, 16:40
Guess you`re an AOL user, or perhaps it was the sender. Try using winzip to open the file.

See:- http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,289893,sid9_gci212575,00.html

for more details.

[This message has been edited by OLD_EGG_BOUND (edited 20 May 2001).]

Captain Gidday
20th May 2001, 17:17
Can't help you unscramble it, but I can suggest that the sender of the email may have been using one of the "Easyeverything" cafes. The kind folks there have started to put their advertising stamp on every email you've PAID them to send [even if using Hotmail etc.]. Some emails I sent from one of their internet factories in the last couple of days have been similarly scrambled when processed by the recipients email program by the addition of this unwanted junk. It's a gross invasion of privacy and damned annoying.

20th May 2001, 18:37
Many thanks for the speedy replies. I just hate not knowing what I am doing on this new stuff. Thank you again everyone.

We will do the drill according to the amendments to the amendments I er think?