View Full Version : Moonlighting jobs

31st Aug 2008, 16:05
So when you're not working.

Do you have your own business? Or what do you do to keep yourself occupied?

1st Sep 2008, 13:11
Read PPRuNe

1st Sep 2008, 14:20
Sleep Zzzzz Zzzzzz

1st Sep 2008, 16:50
??? :confused:

13 please
1st Sep 2008, 23:00
well, I'm a single mum with 2 kids.... they keep me pretty busy..!!

I have tried a bar job, when I'm off work and the kids are with their dad. I enjoy that, but I don't get that many opportunities to work there, not once during the summer holidays.Especially while I'm trying to have a life also..!!

3rd Sep 2008, 18:44
A single mom with 2 kids!

How the hell do you cope, I live in awe of you! i take it you dont fly over night then. Always leave and arrive at the same place!

I love to sleep, sleep, shop, meet up with friends, and then go back to sleep. As for dating, I wish!!!!!

13 please
3rd Sep 2008, 20:34
Ha, I'm longhaul cabin crew, juggling kids and jobs is easy compared to dating.!! That's a completely different story...!

But thanks for the sentiments..:)