View Full Version : My airsick child (cont)

23rd Aug 2008, 20:57
I see my post got closed just wanted to tell everyone how my kid got on flying on our holiday.

She was absolutely fine. We stayed very close to the airport the night before so she didnt have much time to worry about the flight which worked well.

We arrived with our friends, she saw her friends and they had a good chat as they hadnt seen each other for a while, that took her mind off things too.

We boarded, she put on her sick bands, she wanted to sit with me till we got up , then wanted her friend to come sit with her.

We took off, nice smooth one too !! she focused by looking out of the window, i challenged her to find the first swimming pool in a garden (she won!)

We levelled out and she was fine. Descent she again focused on the beautiful greek coastline and blue waters, again was very smooth landing. She was 100% ok.

On way back we went through same procedure, the kids had, had a bad ear infection over there, so i was a bit worried she would be in pain landing..... nothing not even a pop!!

So she said "Mum im very happy i was ok, and i dont mind flying again" i breathed a sigh of relief!!

Thanks for all your advice before we left too :)

DX Wombat
23rd Aug 2008, 21:16
Brilliant! That's lovely news. I'm really pleased you all had such a good holiday. :)

24th Aug 2008, 10:26
Really glad to hear everything went ok, i remember reading your post now, it must of been recently your post finished then.

To be honest anything can be achieved when you apply mind over matter and its one of the best virtues than humans are given, and it even works on kids!!!

Just better start saving for your 2009 holiday now then.

Best reguards.


24th Aug 2008, 16:02
Mind over matter seriously does the trick.

I stopped one of my kids getting car-sick by telling her that the nausea was prevented by sitting on a sheet of newspaper. She tried it...and would you believe it? No sickness....

Probably not worth trying on adults, however.

Capt Pit Bull
24th Aug 2008, 16:09

Very pleased it worked out :)

26th Aug 2008, 20:34
So she said "Mum I'm very happy I was OK, and I don't mind flying again"
A fantastic result ! I am so pleased for you ! Maybe it was some of the suggestions on here, or maybe not . . . . . . . . nevertheless it is still a fact that
I see my post got closed
in spite of the fact that you had specifically requested that it was not deleted.

That thread was : - definitely related to AVIATION . . . . .
very MEDICAL in nature . . . . . .
proving to be USEFUL, INTERESTING, SCIENTIFIC and EDUCATIONAL, all at once. . . . . . . .
ie all the things which might make it a perfect topic for here.

Yet it was still unceremoniously just closed . . . . . . . WHY ? :ugh:

Bad medicine
26th Aug 2008, 21:09
Thanks AMEandPPL for your helpful input to this thread. In spite of the request that the previous thread not be deleted.....it wasn't! The thread was closed because it had run its course, no further useful information was being generated, and it had degenerated into personal insults and sniping at other posters. The thread was left there as it did contain useful information.

Atishoo has come back some time later and provided us with the feedback on a successful outcome. Several posters have offered congratulations on the outcome, and you have decided to pop up and try to stir the pot again. Your post is neither related to aviation, medical in nature, useful, interesting, scientific in nature, nor educational.