View Full Version : JAR OPS / EU OPS documents online?

low n' slow
18th Aug 2008, 11:01
Hi all. I was just wondering if anybody could point me towards a website where I can find JAR / EU OPS documents. I've tried the Swedish CAA website but to be frank, it's useless and contains only bits and pieces which are of no use to me. In particular, I'm looking for the JAR OPS 1 Subpart Q. The UK CAA website is heaps better, but I can't find what I'm looking for. Anyone care to help please?


18th Aug 2008, 12:45

European Cockpit Association (ECA) Website - Keep the Limits Safe - Harmonised Flight Time Limitations (http://www.eurocockpit.be/content/view/414/252/)

18th Aug 2008, 23:09
Have you seen this link?
Förordningen- Luftfartsstyrelsen (http://www.luftfartsstyrelsen.se/templates/LS_InfoSida_70_30____39478.aspx)

As far as I can see subpart Q is contained in there, both in English and Swedish.

low n' slow
19th Aug 2008, 16:32
Excellent! thanks.

27th Aug 2008, 14:44

I have some questions concerning the 'new' eu-ops rules and EASA.
If I am correct all operators with an AOC in the EU should stick to EASA rules. Does this mean EU-OPS (based on JAR-OPS1)?

And concerning the 'other' JAR's (JAR-FCL, JAR145 etc...) I assume they are still valid (for EU member states)?

Anyone able to clarify things a bit?

Many, many thanks in advance!


28th Aug 2008, 00:01
The information is what I got in reply from the Swedish CAA, more specifically Christer Ullvetter who is the Swedish representative in the Air Safety Committee (which seems to have nothing to do with EASA, but rather EU).

EU-OPS is composed of:

- JAR-OPS 1 amendment 12
- 10 NPA-OPS (Notice of Proposed Amendments)
- New requirements on ELT in accordance with new ICAO regulations from 1st of July 2008.

Which is funny, because the latest amendment of JAR-OPS before EU-OPS was introduced was amdt. 14. Practically, it seems to be pretty much the same as JAR-OPS.

JAR-OPS does not apply to EU and EES (Norway, Switzerland and Iceland) countries anymore. The rest of the JAA countries still operate on JAR-OPS amdt. 14 (which they say have been coordinated with EU-OPS).

Despite everything, EU-OPS is not the final rule book. EASA are to publish new regulations on OPS and FCL. EASA IR OPS1 will super-seed EU-OPS by the latest 8th of April 2012.