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3rd Aug 2008, 14:54
What's the current situation at KA , hiringwise ? When and where are they conducting interviews ?
Thanks for some prof.insight .

Sue Ridgepipe
7th Aug 2008, 06:02
could not find job section on there web site..
Try a little harder mate, it's there ......

7th Aug 2008, 09:30
Yes the infos are there , as well as the application form (same as CX really ) .
Anybody with inside infos at all ?
What I'd really like to know is : What are the chances to get an interview at the moment ? Are they taking anyone ?


Dan Winterland
8th Aug 2008, 01:34
I'll do the work for you.

Dragonair - Careers : Flight Crew Position (http://www.dragonair.com/da/en_INTL/careers/flightcrewposition)

There. Not difficult. Actually, part of the selection process is finding the info in the first place!!!!

But in answer to your question, recruitment has slowed a bit mainly because of a fleet re-organisation with the Boeing freighter guys coming of the shrinking Classic 747 fleet being trained up on the Airbus.

11th Aug 2008, 23:05
No hiring in the near future ( next few months ), powers that be reckon the current numbers are good and no new a/c 'til next year.
Of course, if the guys that reckon they are leaving actually do, it will be a different matter. :eek:

I did have a registered interest in a contract job with them

Since nobody else did, I'll bite, has anyone ever heard of KA hiring contract pilots :confused: ( unless you consider the FTC contractors ? )

Dan Winterland
12th Aug 2008, 04:23
A contract company did advertise jobs in HK for A320/330 rated pilots with identical Ts and Cs to KA's about a year ago. No contract pilots were hired by KA, possibly because the improved Ts and Cs had the desired effect on retention.