View Full Version : Windows Media Player clearfile

Radar Departure2
13th Aug 2001, 16:29
I used to have a very handy little shortcut on my desktop called Clearfile, which would remove the evidence of all the latest files in the File History. Very handy with small kids running round.

Now I have downloaded the latest version of WMP and find that my clearfile shortcut now links to the file to install WMP. I can't find the original clearfile anywhere, and alas I can't remember where it came from originally. It was probably a free download but a search of the usual haunts for free downloads fails to find it.

Any ideas?


SLF 999
14th Aug 2001, 16:55
Try www.shareware.com (http://www.shareware.com) or www.twocows.com (http://www.twocows.com) they may have it there is also a utility called tweekui which does the same should also get that from these sites

19th Aug 2001, 16:42
Hmm, I am a Mac user forced to play on the dark side from time to time. Tweak UI is a very handy control panel, Microsoft calls it a Power TOY which means there is no tech support for power toys. Works with all versions of Windows - 95,98, 98SE, NT, 2K. I have personally used it with 98SE and ME, works great. (I use it for other reasons than the thorough paranoia settings).

Tweak UI can be downloaded directly from Microsoft free of charge at
Tweak UI (http://www.microsoft.com/NTWorkstation/downloads/PowerToys/Networking/NTTweakUI.asp)
It is a control panel. After installing, look under the Paranoia tab for the settings of interest to you.
:confused: Very strange install procedure. After unzipping, right click on the .inf file and it will display an Install selection in the menu that appears. (told you I'm not a Windoze person, so it is strange to me) :eek:

[ 19 August 2001: Message edited by: SLB ]

Radar Departure2
20th Aug 2001, 14:26
Thanks SLB, I'll give that a try. Can't find the original one in any of the sites I visited which is a shame. I just wonder if it was a feature on earlier WMP versions now removed... ho hum.

Also appears to be no option on WMP to remove the recently played files on the File menu. Even if the file has been deleted, file names like Mimif*ck.mpg tend to be somewhat incriminatory. :(

RD :rolleyes:

PPRuNe Towers
21st Aug 2001, 20:02
You should find the suite of Powertoys on any Windows CD-Rom.