View Full Version : Useful flight tracking links

26th Jun 2008, 20:42
Hi everyone...

Okay this is the 1.000.000$ question:
My company just started today scheduled ops to the states. I was wondering if someone knows any useful links for flight watch, flight reports, (something like fligthaware) or any useful website that can help us to better monitor the inbound flights to the states. This is because we can only have an accurate tracking of flights inside the eurocontrol area, and after 30W we practically go blind!!! and last but not the least: is there a goverment service where I can check any delays, slots ats filling???

Thanks a lot.

27th Jun 2008, 04:38
Hello JD,

Here's a copy of a post I submitted a while back which may answer some questions...

There are a number of tools that you can use to monitor flight plans, slots etc. for US flights.

For simple visual tracking of a flight then flightaware.com or flytecomm.com are pretty good. These wont however give you any indication of EDCT's (Estimated Departure Clearance Times - the US equivalent of CTOT's).

To check to make sure a flight plan is live on the system you can contact the appropriate ARTCC to obtain the CID / Strip Number. If there isn't one then generally that means there is no flight plan in the system and you may have to refile.

Once the plan is filed it will be subject to any applicable Ground Delay Programs or Airspace Flow Programs. The EDCT can be obtained electronically if you have a connection to the FSM (Flight Schedule Monitor - the US (kind of) equivalent of CFMU), or via fly.faa.gov/edct if you don't.

If there is an update to the EDCT the flight crew will be notified when they make contact with tower for their clearance.

You can also use the OIS (Operational Information System) and ATCSCC (Air Traffic Control System Command Center) via the FLYFAA website for information regarding ground delays/ground stops/airspace flows that are in affect.

Hope this helps...


9th Jul 2008, 15:49
Have a look at Flight Explorer (http://www.flightexplorer.com)

9th Jul 2008, 16:11
Have a look at Flight Explorer (http://www.flightexplorer.com)