View Full Version : Applying: CV Format?

23rd Jun 2008, 08:02
Hi all.

I am hoping in the next couple of months to have my FIC (fingers crossed!).

So can anyone tell me what format my CV should take?

Most of my working experience is in IT - however in a support/training - would that be worthwhile putting in?

Also, how about my hours/flight experience - do I need a section near the top with that on it?

Any advice would be much appreciated, or if you could point me in the right direction :-)

23rd Jun 2008, 09:04
There's this thread from the Interviews, jobs and sponsorships section

Box at the top with your total hours and PIC hours is a good idea, plus a list of ratings etc. I wouldn't get too hung up about going in depth on your previous jobs, though IT experience is always a good thing to put on there - means you might be able to fix a couple of creaky old PCs the school has !

Try to tailor your CV, and covering letter (just as important as the CV), to the school you're going for. Keep the CV to one page.

Good luck ;)

23rd Jun 2008, 09:22

I'll have to have a good look through that post.

And trim down the CV - its currently two full pages. But once I take out all of the irrelevent parts, I'm sure it will fit on one page.

Thanks very much :ok:

23rd Jun 2008, 16:30
Put yourself in the place of the person reading the CV; they will at best give it 10 seconds, during which time if nothing has caught their eye, it will go in the bin.

Most relevant first, why would they want to employ you? Let them see it at a glance.

23rd Jun 2008, 17:52
I've kept it brief - but the CV is only 3/4 of a page. A little short, but it is to the point.

Should I keep it as it is? Or pad it out a little.

I have:

1)Personal Details
2)Flying Experience
3)Flying Qualifications
4)Academic Qualifications
5)Work History (very brief explanation of duties).

I think that is a logical order - anyone got any suggestions?

QNH 1013
23rd Jun 2008, 21:23
Sounds ok to me for a short CV, which is all you need for a FI position. Make sure the (short) covering letter answers any questions that might crop up in their mind when reading your CV. e.g. if your address is 80 miles from the flying school, explain how you will get there on time every day. One possible answer might be that you are moving to that area next month and so you are applying to them.

Good Luck and don't work for peanuts. In the present climate you shouldn't have to even for a first job.

24th Jun 2008, 07:23
Thanks for all the help guys. I'm gonna get the FIC completed asap and get the CV perfected and sent out literally the day I pass.