View Full Version : CPL SEP Rating

7th Jun 2008, 22:15
Help O learned ones,

I have a dilemma!!

My CPL was issued last year with an entry on the first page stating SEP, FI(A) and IMC Ratings (I don't have it with me at the moment so I can't quote it verbatim) but which are not specifically dated. They are not entered separately on the Ratings page.

How long are these ratings valid for? I thought that the SEP rating is valid for two years from CPL Skills Test date and the FI(A) and IMC ratings valid for 36 and 25 months respectively from last revalidation?

Is this correct?



8th Jun 2008, 07:17
I have the answer from LASORS 2008.

A licence is issued with a Certificate of Test, Experience or Revalidation pertinent to a specific rating. Being a new issue licence, this was issued with the CofT for a SEP (Single Pilot) and is therefore valid for 24 months from date of issue, as I thought in the first place.

Drama over. Now I have to try and get this information across to my CFI....:ugh:

9th Jun 2008, 11:00
For the rating to be valid it must be entered in two places in your licence:
Firstly there is the rating entry in Section XII of the licence, all ratings must be entered here; then there is a Certificate of Revalidation page which must also show the ratings valid together with the expiry date. If either of these two are missing then the rating is invalid. Article 29
(2) The holder of a pilot's licence to which this article applies shall not be entitled to exercise the privileges of an aircraft rating contained in the licence on a flight unless -
(a) the licence bears a valid certificate of revalidation in respect of the rating;

Of course as a FI you should know this as you will be checking other pilots licences.

Quite often with new licence issues the revalidation page is only supplied with one entry on the page so you must keep your previous C of R as that is what determines the validity, not when the licence was issued or when you sat the CPL Skill Test.