View Full Version : Paid instruction?

2nd Jun 2008, 01:03

Can you get paid for flight instruction on a PPL(A) + FI(R) rating (incl CPL(A) groundschool, but not the full CPL(A) license)?

For the FI(R) rating, you only need to CPL(A) theory, not the full CPL(A) license (incl flight training & test), which implies (in my mind) that your FI(R) rating get added to your PPL(A) ticket, which you cannot use for hire & reward... So can you get paid for it, or do you need a complete CPL(A) license with FI(R) rating to be able to get paid?


2nd Jun 2008, 07:23
or do you need a complete CPL(A) license with FI(R) rating to be able to get paid?

In the UK, yes, for SEP. Different for microlights. Can't speak for all (or any) other States.


A Very Civil Pilot
2nd Jun 2008, 07:23
Simple question is do you hold a CPL - ie a licence that says 'commercial pilots license'? If not, the answer to your question is no.

2nd Jun 2008, 09:27
However with the current changes being pushed through EASA the answer going forward is going to be yes. It is a move back to the old days of PPL Instructors.

It will encourage more PPL's to enter teaching and give greater continuity to students and schools rather than the constant drain caused by the loss of the hours builders to more attractive jobs.

3rd Jun 2008, 11:00
Thanks Forum.

Inversely: with a PPL(A), class 2 medical and FI(R), I could instruct for free, right? Anyone doing that anyhow?

Legal Beagle
4th Jun 2008, 20:38
Niner Mike,

Yes you can, and I think there are more people out there doing just that than you might expect!

The good news is that when the changes currently proposed come through you will be able to get paid for doing so. Still on a PPL and, as I understand it still on a class 2, unless anyone who knows better can correct me on that one.

No-one seems to know quite when to expect the changes to be put in force, however, so I guess you shouldn't hold your breath...

7th Jun 2008, 04:56
Sir, how to find jobs . tell me the schools in S.africa.Can I work there or not. please help me out sir